What are regulation for number and location of EEBD on ships as per SOLAS ?

  1. SOLAS requires at least two EEBDs to be located in the accommodations and additional EEBDs to be placed in the machinery spaces, The Administration considers “machinery spaces” to mean Category A Machinery Spaces such as engine rooms and boiler rooms.

Auxiliary Machinery Spaces such as Steering Gear Compartments, Refrigeration Machinery Rooms, Bow Thruster Compartments, and alike do not have to be fitted with EEBDs.

  1. Inasmuch as MSC/Circ.849 is referenced in SOLAS II 2/13.3.4 and 13.4.3, the Administration is treating the guidelines contained in the Circular as mandatory.
  1. For compliance with the last sentence in Paragraph 4.6 of MSC/Circ.849, only those control spaces and workshops that are remotely located from the machinery space escape routes need be considered.
  1. In achieving compliance with paragraph 4.6 of MSC/Circ.849, a minimum of two EEBDs should be located on each level of the machinery space. If a machinery space contains an enclosed primary escape trunk having a door at each level, only one EEBD need be located on each level.

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