Has a formal Risk Assessment been produced and discussed with those involved in the work? 2 Has a Stand-by man been appointed with provision to contact the OOW? 3 If using a stage are gantlines run to water level to provide additional lifelines? 4 Is a Lifebuoy and lifeline available at the worksite? 5 Are all personnel wearing buoyancy aids / Harness as applicable? 6 Has equipment been inspected and confirmed to be in good order? Tools & Equipment secured from loss ? 7 Has the Duty Engineer been informed of the work planned? 8 Rescue boat and crew immediately available 9 Have overboard discharge and sea suctions been secured and tagged with “Danger Men Working – Do not operate” notices where appropriate? 10 Is vessel : *Underway / Stopped / Lee Made / Speed Reduced. 11 Are personnel aware of the tides / currents/ weather in the area? 12 Are precautions being taken to minimise wash effects from passing traffic (Details to be added to the “Additional precautions below). 13 If applicable, within port limits has permission from port authority been given? 14 Adequate sea room to allow departure from passage plan. 15 Weather conditions suitable, taking into account sea swell and vessel movement 16 Illumination adequate and augmented where required 17