What are MARPOL regulations for Damage Stability ?

DAMAGE CONTROL IN DRY CARGO SHIPS (Applicable for vessels constructed on or after 1 February 1992)

There shall be permanently exhibited or readily available on the navigating bridge, for the guidance  of the officer in charge of the ship, a plan showing clearly for each deck and hold the boundaries of the water tight compartment, the openings therein and the means of closure and position of any controls there of, and the arrangements for the correction of any list due to flooding. In addition, booklets containing the aforementioned information shall  be made available  to the officers of the ship.

Indicators shall be provided for all sliding doors and for hinged doors in water tight bulkheads. Indication showing whether the doors  are open  or closed shall be given on the navigating bridge. In addition shell doors and other openings which, in the opinion of the Administration, could lead to major flooding if left open or not properly secured shall be provided with indicators.

General precaution shall consist of a listing of  equipment, conditions and operational procedures, considered by  the administration to be necessary to maintain watertight  integrity under normal ship operations. Specific precautions shall consist of a listing of elements ( i.e. closures, security of  cargo, sounding of alarms,, etc) considered by  the Administration to be vital to the survival of the ship and its crew.