This checklist is to be completed prior to embarking and disembarking a pilot.It is to be completed by the OOW:
- Have The Following Been Advised Of The ETA / ETD
- The Master.
- The Engine Room.
- The Pilot Station.
- Has It Been Agreed Which Side The Pilot Will Embark / Disembark?
- Has The Engine room Been Advised Of The Time Of ‘Stand-By’
- Have The Pilot Embarkation / Disembarkation arrangements Been Checked & Found Ready For Use.
- Has A Deck Officer Been Nominated To Meet The Pilot & Conduct Him To / From The Bridge.
- Has the Ship to Shore Master/Pilot Exchange NVG-07 been sent?
- Has the Shore to Ship Master/Pilot Exchange NVG-08 been sent and a completed copy returned?
- Rigging the pilot ladder in compliance with the I.M.O. AND I.M.P.A. Recommendations.
- Freeboard 9 m or less use the pilot ladder?
- Freeboard 9 m or more use the pilot ladder and accommodation ladder combination?
- Bulwark ladder secured to ship?
- Lifebuoy with self igniting light prepared by ladder?
- Heaving line available/ready by pilot ladder?
- No tripping lines attached to ladder?
- Side ropes minimum diameter of 18 mm?
- Is the pilot ladder and boarding area clean and free of cargo residue and obstructions?
- Has a deck officer been nominated to meet the pilot and conduct him to/from the bridge?
- Have the following documents been prepared and made ready for the pilot’s boarding?
- NVG-06 : Pilot Card (This is to be handed to and discussed with the pilot on boarding?
- NVG-10 : Master/Pilot Exchange of Essential Information. (This is to be completed as soon as the pilot boards and prior to commencing the pilotage operation)
where Embarkation/Disembarkation involves the use of a Helicopter, The Guidance In The ICS, Guide To Helicopter / Ship Operations On Marine Pilot Transfer, Communications & Ship Operating Procedures should be followed.