How would you determine if your ship is dragging anchor and what action would you take as OOW?

  1. The length of the cable paid out (usually 6 times the depth of water ) is only to ensure that the pull on the anchor shank, while it in on seabed, is horizontal. Once that is assured paying out more cable would not help!!
  2. Heaving up anchor, manoeuvering the ship and reanchoring shoulf only be the last resort by the second officer. Having insufficient experience and being without proper support on the bridge this is too risky
  3. Inform the harbour control by vhf .”my ship is dragging anchor. Require a pilot immediately.”
  4. Call up agents on telephone and informthem” ship is dragging anchor, the master and chief officer are ashore please contact them and send them onboard as soon as possible
  5. Pull the wheel hard over away from the first anchor and hold it there.
  6. Prepare the second anchor to let go
  7. Carry out master’s orders
  8. Inform master
  9. Inform engine room,this is an emergency, get engines ready as soon as possible.switch on power to windlass
  10. Call anchor stations
  11. Call for a messenger on bridge because the a.b. will be manning the wheel
  12. Switch on the steering motors
  13. Switch on Radar /Arpa
  14. Try the pneumatic whistle and electric klaxon
  15. The vhf would already be on channel 16
  16. Keep a record of all the happenings and their timings in bridge notebook


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