
Motor Oral (FUNCTION — 4)

The following questions came from candidates right after they had finished their oral exam.
Motor Oral


1. Define compression ratio. What is the compression ratio of IC engine and lifeboat engine? Why compression ratio of lifeboat engine is more? What is the significance of compression ratio?
2. What is SFOC? How to calculate SFOC?
3. What is scavenge efficiency?
4. How to calculate power? Define brake power, indicated power and mechanical efficiency.
5. What is the difference between MEP and MIP?
6. Define MCR, SCR, overload rating and astern output.
7. Explain the specification of your main engine or for e.g., what do you understand by theterm 6S90ME-C?
8. Draw and explain the valve timing diagram of 2 St diesel engine.
9. Draw and explain the valve timing diagram of 4 St naturally aspirated and supercharged engine. What is the difference in their overlap period and why?
10. What is variable exhaust closing (VEC) ?
11. What is indicator card? What is its purpose? How to take indicator diagram? What are the types of indicator diagram and what is the significance of all? Which card is taken first? Explain various indicator diagrams with indication and causes.
12. What are the differences between 2 ST & 4 ST diesel engine and full cross questions on that?
13. On which cycle does marine diesel engine work? Explain the cycle.
14. Why it is impossible to start the engine with 3 units at certain position and what is the importance of overlap period?
15. How to calculate the engine power without indicator cards?
16. Why it is not possible to take power card in 4 stroke engine?
17. What are the advantages of superlong stroke?
18. What are the reasons of high and low Pcomp or Pmax ? What is the significance of Pcomp and Pmax?
19. Explain valve spring mechanism in 2S and 4S.
20. What is the significance of firing order?
21. What is power balancing? How is it achieved?
22. How to calculate BP with torsion meter if mechanical efficiency is not given?


1. What is tappet clearance? How to take tappet clearance?
2. What will happen if tappet clearance is less or more?
3. How to know which unit piston is at TDC?
4. Why concentric springs fitted for aux engine cylinder head?
5. What is the material of inlet and exhaust valves, piston, liner, piston rings, bedplate, A-frame, tie rod, crankshaft, cylinder head, turbocharger?
6. Explain rocker arm lubrication in 4 stroke.
7. What is the function of rotocap and working of it?
8. How will you get to know if exhaust valve start leaking and reasons for same?
9. How is 4 stroke exhaust valve spindle held at place?
10. Explain exhaust valve working of your main engine with diagram. Explain terminologies related to exhaust valve system and use of all components of exhaust valve system.
11. What is the function of spring air
12. How will you come to know whether exhaust valve is rotating or not?
13. Explain the function and working of puncture valve.
14. What all clearances need to be checked during the main engine exhaust valve overhaul?
15. What are the stresses working on main engine during its operation?
16. What is the function of top bracing?
17. What are the causes of fatigue failure?
18. What is the function of chock? Why resin chocks preferred?
19. What is tie rod and its function? Why pinching screws are provided? How bending moment of tie rods are reduced?
20. Explain tie rod tightening procedure of your main engine?
21. How will you come to know if there is breakage in tie rod? What may be the reasons of its breakage?
22. What is the purpose of holding down bolts?
23. What are the different types of crankshaft? Explain each type of crankshaft.
24. Why crankshaft is case hardened?
25. What do you mean by swelling of journal?
26. How to calculate misalignment of crankshaft in main engine? What may be the reasons of misalignment?
27. What is crankshaft deflection and how to measure it?
28. What do you understand by the term slippage in crankshaft?
29. What are the stresses working on crankshaft?
30. What is crankcase explosion and reasons of its occurance?
31. What is scavenge fire and how it occurs? What are its indications and what action you will take in case of such fire? What is fire fighting medium for scavenge fire?
32. What all things you will inspect in scavenge space inspection? What are the scavenge space protection devices?
33. What is crankcase relief valve ? How to check opening pressure of crankcase relief door?
34. Draw the diagram of crankcase relief door.
35. What are the regulations related to crankcase relief door as per SOLAS?
36. You are on watch. One unit OMD activates. What will be your action?
37. What is OMD? Explain its construction and working. What maintenance are to be done on OMD?
38. Draw 2 ST and 4 ST liner diagram. What is difference between them? What is wet quill and dry quill? What is the material of cylinder liner?
39. How to do liner calibration? What is the name of liner lifting tool?
40. What is allowable wear down rate and ovality of liner in 2 stroke and 4 stroke?
41. What are different types of wear in liner? What are their causes and remedies? What is cloverleafing and its causes?
42. What are the reasons of liner cracking ?
43. Draw main engine jacket cooling water circuit? What is the function of expansion tank?What is the function of deaeration vessel?
44. Explain hot corrosion and cold corrosion and their causes and remedies.
45. Explain the procedure of removal of liner in main engine and auxiliary engine.
46. How liner is force pressure lubricated?
47. How to lock the liner at the time of taking out piston from the unit in auxiliary engine?
48. How to check the integrity of o-ring outside the liner?
49. What is liner honing and why it is required?
50. Draw the diagram of piston cooling of main engine and auxiliary engine. What is wear band?
51. Explain the procedure of removal of piston in main engine and auxiliary engine.
52. What is breaking in and running in of liner?
53. How sealing between liner and piston takes place in 2 stroke engine?
54. How sealing between liner and piston takes place in 4 stroke engine?
55. What are the differences between 2 stroke and 4 stroke piston differences?
56. What are the stresses on piston?
57. How to pressure test piston after overhauling?
58. If piston crown cracked, what would happen?
59. Explain different types of piston rings.
60. Explain oil scraper ring, compression ring, piston cleaning ring, anti polishing ring.
61. What are clearances in piston ring? What are the reasons for clearance increasing or decreasing and reasons for same? What are the failures of piston rings and its reason?
62. What is SIPWA?
63. Draw the diagram of stuffing box. Explain different types of rings in stuffing box. What are the problems in stuffing box?
64. What is the function of cylinder head? What is its material? What are the defects in cylinder head?
65. Explain the procedure of removal of cylinder head of main engine.
66. What are the stresses on connecting rod of 2 stroke and 4 stroke? What are the failures in connecting rod?
67. What is the difference between connecting rod of 2 stroke and 4 stroke?
68. What all things to check in connecting rod at the time of unit overhaul?
69. What is the function of bearing? Explain white metal bearing and thin shell bearing. What are the requirements of bearing material?
70. Explain various bearing faults and defects.
71. What is pedestal bearing?
72. What are the properties of bearing material?
73. What type of lubrication is there in engine, and what is the difference between hydrodynamic and elasto hydrodynamic lubrication?
74. What is ovality of crankpin bearing?
75. Why it is difficult to lubricate crosshead bearing in two stroke engine? Why crosshead bearing lube oil pressure is more in SULZER?
76. On what factors the load bearing capacity of the bearing depends upon?
77. What are different bearings in main engine? How and where to check clearances of different bearings?
78. What do you understand by the term embeddability of the bearing?
79. What are the different methods with which you can measure bearing clearances?
80. At what all points you can take the clearances in crosshead bearing?
81. What are different reasons of bearing failure and modern technique to detect bearing failure?
82. What is the procedure of removal of main bearing? What things should be checked after removal of main bearing?
83. What is the procedure of removal of crosshead bearing? What things should be checked after removal of crosshead bearing?
84. What points to be checked after removal of crank pin bearing?
85. How to check main bearing wear down without removal of bearing?
86. How to inspect the crankpin bearing of 2 stroke engine?
87. How to inspect the bottom end bearing in 4 stroke engine without taking out the piston from the unit?
88. Explain the function of thrust block, working and how thrust has been transferred tohull?
89. What are values of different bearing clearance?
90. Explain chain tightening procedure. What is backlash?
91. How will you do chain inspection?
92. What is the procedure of aux engine decarb and what all clearances you shall check from top to bottom?
93. What is the purpose of expansion tank?
94. How gear drive is lubricated?
95. What is running direction interlock?
96. What are under and oversize bearings?
97. What are different types of turbocharger and how are they lubricated?
98. What difference you shall notice in cross section when connecting rod of two stroke n four stroke is broken from mid length?
99. How to take main bearing clearance? Draw cross section. Draw swedish feeler gauge diagram? What position bearing clearance taken? Why bearing clearance is taken at that position only?
100. How will you measure radial clearance in piston?
101. How will you find out broken piston ring in port?
102. What are the purposes of  stern tube gravity tanks and forward and aft sealing tanks? How does the oil coming from gravity tank go back to the tank?
103. Draw stern tube diagram and explain.
104. What is centrifugal filter? Why is it not used in main engine?


1. What are the types of scavenging? Advantages and disadvantages of various types of scavenging.
2. What is the difference between pulse turbocharging and constant pressure turbocharging?
3. What are advantages and disadvantages of different types of turbocharger?
4. What is lambda control in turbocharger?
5. Exhaust from main engine come out at a temperature of 360 degree Celsius and temperature of exhaust gas at inlet of turbocharger is 460 degree Celsius. How can this happen?
6. What are various types of turbocharger?
7. Draw the diagram of axial flow turbocharger and explain its various components.
8. What is surging? What are various reasons of surging and how to reduce it?
9. What materials are used in turbocharger?
10. Explain TCA and TCR type of turbocharger.
11. What is k, l and m value in turbocharger?
12. What is splashing in turbocharger?
13. What do you understand by the term matching of turbocharger?
14. What is VTA and VTG in new turbocharger?
15. What different values we need to check after boxing back of turbocharger?
16. How fouling takes place in turbocharger and what is the procedure of turbocharger washing?
17. What is water washing of turbocharger and when to perform water washing and  dry washing?
18. Draw the diagram of labyrinth seal and explain its principle of working.
19. What is starting air line explosion and its preventive measures?
20. Explain the reversing of your main engine.
21. If air starting valve leaks during manoeuvring, how will you get to know out and  what action you will take?
22. If your bursting disc bursts out during manoeuvring, how will you come to  know?
23. Your engine is stopped then how will you come to know out that your starting  air valve is leaking or not?
24. Draw starting air line diagram of main engine and explain the same.
25. What is the reason of providing negative air distributor cam?
26. What are different interlocks in main engine?
27. Draw the diagram of starting air valve. Below the balance piston 30 bar air is present and above operating piston 30 bar air is present so when the pressure is same, how the valve is operated downward?
28. Draw the diagram of starting air distributor.
29. Draw the manoeuvring diagram and explain the same.
30. What do you understand by the term crash manoeuvring & how to perform it?
31. Name the parts of compressor valve.
32. Starting air valve is leaking. How to find out i) at port      ii) at sea

AIR COMPRESSOR ( Refer questions in function 6 also)

1. Why we can’t use single stage air compressor and also explain P-V diagram of it?
2. Why we use multistage air compressor and what is the importance of it?
3. Why cylinder diameter of compressor decreases after every stage?
4. What are different trips/ alarm present in air compressor?
5. What is the location of relief valve, bursting disc and fusible plug?
6. What is the purpose of unloader valve?
7. What would be the affect of suction valve having too much lift?
8. What is the use of intercooler and after cooler in compressor?
9. How to start air compressors manually on ships?
10. What is emergency air compressor? Its purpose and regulation?
11. How do you check compressor efficiency during running?
12. What are the safeties on air bottle?
13. What are the mountings on air bottle?
14. Air compressor efficiency drops. What may be the reasons?
15. What are different types of corrosion in air bottle and its effect?
16. What arrangement is provided on the door which is welded to the air bottle and how to check whether inside welding is okay or not?
17. Air compressor is continuously running but air bottle is not filling. What are the possible causes of it?
18. What is the regulation of air bottle as per SOLAS?
19. What do you understand by the term volumetric efficiency and how clearance volume affect the volumetric efficiency?
20. What could be the reason of increase in volumetric efficiency? How will you come to know out? How will you adjust it?
21. What is bumping clearance? How to adjust it? Why do we need it?
22. What are the effects of valve leaking at various stages (first stage suction, first stage discharge, second stage suction, second stage discharge)?
23. What are the reasons for fall in compressor performance?
24. How to maintain air compressor efficiency?
25. How unloader of deck air compressor work? Explain with drawing.
26. What is the difference between the air compressor cycle and refrigeration cycle?
27. What is the procedure of overhauling of compressor valves?
28. What is the purpose of providing non return valve on the compressor discharge side?
29. How can you check out low lub oil pressure cut out or high air temperature trip in compressor?
30. You are on watch and bursting disc of air compressor burst out. What will be your action?
31. Compressor low pressure relief valve is often lifting. What may be the reasons?
32. If unloader is not working, how to start air compressor?

BOILER ( Refer questions in function 6 also)

1. What are the internal mountings in boiler? Explain with drawing.
2. What are external boiler mountings?
3. Where is vent cock located and its purpose?
4. What are safety devices in a boiler?
5. What are the differences between smoke tube and water tube boilers?
6. Why we need to blow down the gauge glass and what is the procedure of gauge glass blow through? Why we open water side first during blow through?
7. What are the safeties of gauge glass?
8. Why we need to blow down the boiler water?
9. Why do we do scum blow down and water blow down?
10. What is the procedure of scum blow down and bottom blow down?
11. What is the procedure of firing boiler from cold?
12. How shall you prepare your boiler for boiler survey?
13. What are the tests carried out on boiler water? What is the purpose of it? What is the procedure to carry out various boiler water tests? What is the desired value of various components (compounds) found in boiler water?
14. What is the purpose of boiler water treatment?
15. What is foaming in boiler and how to prevent it?
16. What is boiler priming, reasons of priming and how to prevent it?
17. What are the reasons of boiler burner blow back?
18. What action do you take in case of foaming and priming?
19. What action will you take if boiler gauge glass showing low water level?
20. What is caustic embrittlement? How to prevent it?
21. What do we do to prevent excess oxygen in boiler?
22. What will you do if chloride is found too much in boiler water?
23. What is meant by accumulation pressure? What is its purpose and what is the procedure to perform accumulation pressure test?
24. What are different types of ESD boiler?
25. Draw the diagram of safety valve and the function of different components of safety valve? What is easing gear? How many safety valves are there?
26. What are different types of safety valve?
27. Explain the procedure of overhauling of safety valve and what all checks are to be done inside safety valve?
28. What is the procedure of setting of safety valve onboard?
29. What is the difference between safety valve and relief valve?
30. What do you understand by the term shrinkage/swelling of boiler and how to control it?
31. What is the procedure of hydraulic testing of boiler?
32. What could be the reason if you are not able to maintain level of water in boiler?
33. Draw fuel oil circuit diagram for boiler?
34. What are different types of boiler burner?
35. How to check whether burner is working fine or not?
36. Every time you fire the boiler, flame failure alarm comes. What could be the possible reasons for that?
37. What is economizer fire? Its causes and how to prevent it? What is metal fire andhydrogen fire?
38. What do you understand by the term water hammering and how to prevent it?
39. What is steam trap? Explain its working with diagram?
40. What is spalling?
41. What is double banking?
42. What is boiler backfire? Why it occurs?
43. Why is cooler used in boiler sampling line for taking boiler water sample?
44. There is boiler flame failure alarm. If we bypass it, will it fire?
45. Why boiler man hole door is in oval shape and why not in cylindrical shape?
46. How to reset boiler flame failure alarm?
47. What is the speciality of boiler water feed check valve?
48. What are the types of boiler blow down. Which blow down you shall do first?
49. What are the reasons for excess water in steam drum?
50. How auto shut down works?
51. How do you know boiler is firing properly?


1. Draw the diagram of fuel oil system of your ship.
2. What are the different methods of cutting down the fuel to main engine?
3. Explain the basic functioning of fuel pump with diagram.
4. How to check the beginning of injection in fuel pump?
5. Explain MAN B& W fuel pump. What is umbrella seal?
6. What is the reason of using VIT?
7. How VIT actually work and how break point is been decided and normally when we change the VIT setting?
8. What is the difference between VIT and super VIT?
9. Explain the basic function of fuel valve/ fuel injector.
10. How fuel injector works?
11. How fuel injectors are tested? What are various tests of fuel injector?
12. How high pressure is achieved in fuel injector?
13. What are different types of fuel valve and why we are using slide type fuel valve? How
14. will you check slide in injector?
15. How to test fuel injector of main engine?
16. Explain the function and working of viscotherm with diagram.
17. What is FQS? Why it is provided and how to set it?
18. How shall you overhaul fuel oil pump?
19. How shall you overhaul fuel injector?
20. What is fuel pump lead?
21. What is the difference between fuel injector of 2 stroke and 4 stroke?
22. Explain the function of slide valve.
23. What is the difference between spill control and bosh type fuel pump and VIT?
24. What is the function of erosion plug?
25. How to advance fuel pump timing of a particular unit?
26. How is more fuel injected  when generator load increases? Explain with diagram?
27. How fuel injection is controlled in your main engine?


1. What are the functions of a lubricant?
2. What are different types of lubrication? Explain each of them.
3. What are the properties of crankcase lube oil?
4. Draw the main engine lub oil system diagram.
5. What is viscosity?
6. What is viscosity index?
7. What is pour point?
8. What is flash point and its significance?
9. What is TAN and TBN?
10. High TBN is used where and why?
11. What are detergency and dispersancy?
12. What is batch purification? How do you make batch purification?
13. Explain lube oil sampling procedure to send for lube oil test?
14. What are lube oil testing methods onboard?
15. What are the factors affecting affecting hydrodynamic lubrication?
16. Why magnetic filters are fitted in lube oil system and fitted where?
17. What are the causes of water contamination in lube oil ? What are its effects and remedies?
18. What is solid lubrication?
19. At what point lub oil is fed to the piston?
20. Why cooler is installed after filter?
21. What lub oil additives are used in generator engine?
22. What flows inside the tube in shell and tube type cooler?
23. What is the difference between main engine and aux engine lub oil?
24. How Hydraulic oil gets contaminated if it is closed system?
25. What is the purpose of Magnetic filter on hydraulic power pack system? And where it is located?
26. Explain the working of mechanical lubricator. How power transmitted from camshaft to it?
27. How to know cylinder lube oil feed rate is correct?


1. Explain the basic principle of purifier and clarifier.
2. What is the need of purification?
3. What is gravity disc?
4. How to choose correct size of gravity disc?
5. What is the function of paring disc?
6. What is the difference between purifier and clarifier?
7. How do you change purifier to clarifier?
8. What are the causes of excessive vibration on purifier?
9. What are the possible reasons of purifier overflowing?
10. How to adjust bowl height?
11. Why multi disc are provided?
12. Why we need water sealing in purifier?
13. How does the bowl closes by bowl closing water although it is too heavy?
14. How to manually start the purifier and checks done before starting and stopping of the purifier?
15. Explain the principle of working of ALCAP?
16. What is the reason of providing the clutch in purifier and why it is not directly coupled?
17. If the electrical officer interchanges the motor connection of purifier, what will happen?
18. Draw purifier clutch diagram.
19. What happens in purifier when desludging water opens? How it gets seated?
20. Why purifier top has conical shape?
21. How will you measure vertical shaft height?
22. What is the use of friction pad in purifier?
23. Why purifier vertical shaft arrangement has two bearings at bottom?
24. What is the effect of reduced purifier bowl height?
25. Why we don’t use gravity disc in clarifier?
26. Where we find spring in purifier?


1. Explain the general vapour compression cycle for refrigeration system.
2. What are the desired properties of a refrigerant ? What is oil differential pressure cutout?
3. What are the safeties in refrigeration system?
4. What are the different methods of charging refrigerant in the system?
5. What is critical temperature?
6. What is primary refrigerant?
7. What is secondary refrigerant?
8. What is solenoid valve? Its function? Why it is fitted?
9. What is the function of thermostatic expansion valve? What maintenance are to be done on TEV?
10. What do you understand by the term internal equalizing and external equalizing?
11. Where is oil separator placed in refer system? Why it is placed at that position? How oil carryover takes place?
12. What are tests to detect leakage of refrigerant in the system?
13. What is refrigeration and air conditioning?
14. What is the purpose of ventilation of cargo hold?
15. What is short cycling of refrigeration compressor?
16. Why superheat is required at evaporator outlet?
17. What could be the reason of HP cut out in the refrigeration system?
18. What are the causes of:

  • Compressor starting and stopping immediately.
  • Compressor is running continuously.
  • Unusual sound from compressor.
  • High compressor discharge temperature.
  • Evaporator coil icing.
  • Reduced cooling capacity.
  • Reducing oil level in compressor.
19. How will you get to know out air in the system and how to remove it?
20. What is the function of backpressure valve in refrigeration system and why it is fitted inside vegetable room only?
21. How unloader works in refrigeration system?
22. Why compound gauge fitted in refrigeration system?
23. Icing on evaporator coil. What are the possible reasons?


1. What are different types of fresh water generator and explain the working of fresh water generator that you have onboard?
2. What could be the reason for loss of vacuum in FWG?  
3. Why scale formation is not the major concern in FWG as compared to boiler?  
4. What could be the reason of high salinity in FWG?  
5. Explain the procedure of starting the FWG?  
6. Explain the procedure of stopping the FWG.  
7. How to regulate the capacity of FWG?  
8. How scale formation takes place in FWG and how to minimize it?  
9. At what sea  water temperature, water production will be more? 10 degrees or 25 degrees. Explain.  


1. What is governor?
2. What is function of governor?
3. What is governor droop?
4. What are types of governor?
5. What types of governor are used in G/E and M/E?
6. What is hunting and causes of it?
7. What is isochronous governor?
8. How will you test G/E over speed trip?
9. Why speed droop governor is used at G/E?
10. Why over speed troop is provided although governor is already there?
11. What is scavenge air limiter and fuel limiter?


1. What all trips and alarms are present in auxiliary engine?
2. What do you understand by the term magnetic filters?
3. What are the safeties of main engine?
4. Explain the different parts in mechanical seal with diagram.
5. What is the regulation of emergency generator as per SOLAS?
6. Explain PID controller with graph.
7. Why OMD not fitted in auxiliary engine?
8. How does manometer work?
9. Why differential pressure is used and where?
10. What is the material of bursting disc?
11. What is the function of moment compensator?
12. Draw stress strain curve.
13. How steam trap works?
14. Explain Poisson’s ratio, Boyles law, Charles law, Pascal law.
15. What is the difference between boiling and evaporation?
16. Draw the diagram of hydraulic jack and how it works?
17. What is the priming system requirement of emergency fire pump?
18. What all things you shall monitor during your engine room watch?
19. What parameters you shall monitor during your watch?
20. Whether impeller is fitted  with right handed thread or left handed thread?
21. How is bearing fitted in shaft?
22. How much torque is required for tightening of tie rods?
23. What is pyrophoric action on ship? How nitrite chemical protects in jacket water cooling system? What it protects?
24. What is air dryer and how does it work?
25. How do you take generator fuel timing diagram?
26. Why there is whiping stress in 4 ST engine?
27. Explain all laws of thermodynamics.
28. Define poison law.
29. Define Young’s modulus.
30. Where is the location of fuel leak off alarm? Why at no other place? How is it tested?
31. Explain the working of auto backwash filter.
32. What is the procedure of cleaning hot filter?
33. Where should we refer for bilge transfer procedure?
34. Why is crankshaft case hardened?
35. Why breather pipe is given in crankcase? Where the other end of breather pipe  goes? What is fitted on other side of pipe?
36. What is barred speed range?
37. What are the instruments/ devices used to control vibration onboard ship?
38. How to test if emergency bilge suction SDNR valve is closing or not?
39. Lifeboat engine not starting what all things you shall check?
40. What are different types of pump in engine room and their applications?
41. Type of steam trap in cargo heating line?
42. What is the procedure  of testing emergency steering? How often it is carried out?
43. Which type of bearing is used for IG blower and why?


1. You give the kick but engine fails to come on air. What might be the reasons?
2. Lub oil temperature is abnormally high. What will be your action?
3. What will be your action when lub oil level is increased in sump?
4. What will be your action when lub oil level is decreased in sump?
5. ME all units exhaust temperatures are going high. What may be the reasons?
6. Refrigeration compressor is short cycling frequently. List the possible reasons.
7. Scavenge air temp of one unit goes high. What may be the reasons?
8. AE cooler fouled? What are the possible reasons?
9. Generator surges at low load. Reasons?
10. What will be your action if one turbocharger is out of operation during sailing?
11. What will be your action if both turbocharger is out of operation during sailing?
12. Reasons of reduced compression pressure of main engine?
13. Reasons of smoky exhaust?
14. ME one unit exhaust temperature rise. Reasons?
15. Engine speed drop. Reasons?
16. ME one unit exhaust temp drops. Reasons?
17. Charge air pressure drops. Reasons?
18. Jacket water pressure fluctuates. Reasons?
19. Jacket water temp increases. Reasons?
20. Engine fails to start on fuel. Reasons?
21. Running gear hot. Reasons?
22.  Engine turns on air, but not on fuel. Reasons?
23. Engine doesn’t fire. Reasons?
24. Piston running hot. Indications and action?
25. Cracked cylinder head. Causes and indications?
26. Individual piston knocking at TDC. Causes?
27. Bearing temperature increases. Reasons?
28. Why level increases in expansion tank?
29. You check last years log book you find exhaust temp for main engine units are less for the same telegraph of fuel and now they are more as compared to last year. What could be the reasons?
30. There is spark from funnel. What actions you will take?


About the author

Manish Mayank


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