
Safety Oral (FUNCTION – 3)

  What action will you take in case of incinerator fire? What are the fire fighting equipments used for fighting incinerator fire? 51. What action you will take in case of purifier room fire? 52. What action you will take in case of galley fire? 53.

  What action you shall take in case of crankcase explosion, scavenge fire, starting air line fire and EGE fire? 54.  What are the types of lifeboat? 55. What is on load and off load release mechanism of lifeboat? 56 Explain life raft launching procedure. What is HRU? How does it work? Why CO2 bottle used in life raft? 57. Explain muster list in detail. 58. Why do we have relief valve in fire line and at what pressure does it lift? 59. Explain Solas Training Manual and its contents. 60. Explain International shore coupling with diagram. 61. Explain IGC code. 62. Explain regulation of LTA, EPIRB, Emergency communication equipment, SART, LRIT, AIS, VDR, SVDR, BNWAS, ECDIS, GMDSS. 63. What is COLREG 72? 64. What are the safeties of lifeboat? 65. What are the contents of UMS checklist? 66. What is duress code? 67. What are the types of portable fire extinguishers? Explain with diagram. Why DCP has small radial hole in cap? 68. Explain quick closing valve. 69. What are the types of fire detectors used in engine room? Explain with diagram. 70. What is the regulation for emergency fire pump? 71. What is the regulation for emergency generator? 72. What is the regulation regarding emergency source of power?   73. What is MOB marker? 74. What is the SOLAS regulation for lifebuoy, lifejacket, TPA, immersion suit, SCBA and EEBD, fire hose, fire hydrant, nozzles, fireman’s outfit? 75. What is SOLAS regulation for fire line? 76. What is the difference between rescue boat and fast rescue boat? 77. What are different types of fire detectors? How they work? Explain with diagram. 78. How much is rocket parachute descending speed? 79. How much is the range of LTA? 80. What is the regulation for double bottom?


1. What are the full form of all your functions?
2. What are the pillars of IMO?
3. What are the constituents of IMO?
4. What is MLC? When it entered into force? What are the titles of MLC? What are the new amendments to MLC 2006?
5. Explain rest hours and work hours criteria in detail.
6. ETO is certified or not as per STCW?
7. COC is under which chapter of STCW?
8. Name 20 certificates which are carried by ship.
9. Explain STCW code . What are the amendments in STCW 2010?
10. Explain the working of explosimeter and oxygen analyser. Why explosimeter is not used to measure tank atmosphere?
11. How will you come to know whether MLC and STCW implemented onboard or not?
12. What is the difference between port state control (PSC)  and flag state control (FSC)?
13. What do you understand by major non-conformity?
14. What is emergency bilge suction? How will you check working of emergency bilge suction?
15. Explain procedure to be followed before enclosed space entry and enclosed space entry checklist.
16. What is MSDS, BLEVE, MARVS?
17. What are ME trips?
18. What are safeties of refer plant?
19. What are safeties in engine room?
20. What is difference between audit and survey?
21. Draw the diagram of bilge line.
22. Explain self closing arrangement of sounding pipes.
23. What is top up load?
24. What is the use of margin line?
25. Explain sewage treatment plant. What is BOD? What is BOD limit? What reactions take place in STP?
26. Explain oily water separator and its regulation.
27. What is the capacity of pump room blower?
28. What is the SOLAS requirement of pump room ventilation system?
29. What is the requirement of venting pipe and sounding pipe?
30. How containers are loaded on a ship?
31. What is IMO general structure?
32. What is duress code?
33. What is the purpose of painting?
34. How a ship is painted in drydock?
35. How shell plate is numbered?
1 What are the requirements of life raft as per SOLAS?
2 What are the maintenance in life raft as per SOLAS ?
3 What are the equipments in life raft?
4 What are the requirements of life boat as per SOLAS?
5 What are the equipments in life boat?
6 What are the requirements of rescue boat as per SOLAS?
7 What are the equipments in rescue boat?
8 What is difference between rescue boat & survival craft?
9 How to take radio medical advice?
10 What is MLC 2006?
11 What are the latest STCW amendments? 
12 What is hydrostatic particular?
13 What are the machinery space discharge criteria?
14 What is the ECA of NOx?
15 What are SECA regions?
16 What are the discharge criteria for MARPOL  annex 1,2 & 5?
17 What are different categories of garbage?
18 What action will you take in case of fire during bunkering?
19 What is the difference between TPA & immersion suit?
20 How will you prepare muster list when the ship is on dry docking?
21 How to check the readiness of fire pump if you are on cargo watch & duty engineer is not in engine room?
22 What are the contents of SOPEP? Its equipments & requirements?
23 What are the requirements of immersion suit & its maintenance?
24 How medicines are carried on board?
25 How will you prepare muster list for a ship after yard delivery, no company manuals & publications?
26 What are the requirements on muster list & where is it mentioned?
27 What are the contents of trim stability booklet?
28 What are the anchor chain fittings?
29 How to know the anchor chain weight? Ans: check anchor certificate
30 What is shell expansion plan & numbering of plate?
31 Action in case of water ingress in hold?
32 How to extinguish oil fire with water only?
33 What is the use of LTA after beaching & requirements for LTA?
34 What are different types of gas carrier as per IMO?
35 What is LOA?
36 What is LBP?
37 What is shear strake?
38 What is bilging?
39 What is ODMCS & oil filtering unit? 
40 What are rescue boat launching & recovering requirements?
41 What is rescue boat onload & offload new SOLAS amendments?
42 Why one life raft is carried at forward?
43 What is the lifeboat launching procedure?
44 What are the SOLAS chapters?
45 What are tricing pendants & bowsing tackle?
46 What are protocol & amendments?
47 What are the firefighting equipments onboard?
48 Explain  MARPOL  annexes 6 in detail with their emission regulations .
49 What is discharge  criteria of oil & garbage in special area 
50 What is difference between tender vessel & stiff vessel
51 what is unstable equilibrium and explain with the help of diagram 
52 what is angle of loll & corrective action in detail 
53 What is FSE( free surface effect)
54 How frequently you organize fire drill as per SOLAS
55 What is your action in case of fire on galley
56 What is TPA and its carriage requirements as per SOLAS.
57 What are requirements  for carriage of medicines
58 How to seek radio medical advise.
59 Items to be taken to the L/B while abandonig.
60 What are weekly &  monthly checks on L/B.
61 What are tests carried out in SCBA  set
62 Define angle of loll, centre of buoyancy, stiff vsl/ tender vsl.
63 what is MARPOL annex IV , when it enforce, any special area  and discharge  criteria.
64 Stability booklet where it is located and what is contain, for what it is use for?
65 What is requirement for emergency fire pump as per SOLAS.
66 What are types of foam expain where it is suppose to use.
67 if you  are lowering life boat FWD painter slipoff in adondant ship  , bad weather  and two person on board , state ur action???
68 Define drying height and draw.
69 What are certificates as per MARPOL  annex 2.
70 What are special area as per MARPOL  annex 6.
71 Does TPC  for a vessel is same or it  changes
72 What are survival crafts requirements  for cargo and passenger vessel  as per SOLAS.
73 What is lifebouy requirements for ship  as per SOLAS ?
74 Explain MARPOL  annex 1,5?
75 What is  structure of ISM code ?
76 How are conventions made?
77 Who make these conventions?
78 Where are headquarters of IMO and name bodies working under IMO?
79 Why life raft forward does  has no HRU..
80 Draw a diagram for 5 degree  angle of heel  and 5 degree  angle of list
81 How often is the survey of medical chest on board carried out?
82 When do you do stearing gear test. What all is checked. Required capability of stearing gear
83 What are new discharge criteria or regulation  for garbage
84 Watertight and weather tight
85 How will you  check weather tightness of hatch cover
86 Draw hatch coaming , explain the use of rest pad and compression bar
87 Explain high and low expansion foam , PSSA and virtual loss of GM.
88 Action if  you see cabin fire as 3rd mate in port
89 Action if bosun comes to  you with profusely bleeding finger
90 How to order medical chest of a vessel
91 Latest garbage ammendments as per MARPOL.
92 List  MARPOL  all special area and  What is sewage discharge  criteria.
93 Draw hatch coaming , 
94 Explain the use of rest pad and compression bar
95 What is PSSA and name some PSSA .
96 Define center of buoyancy and center of gravity, does both are corelated.
97 What is center of floataion and  from where you  get it .
98 What is hydrostatic draft and how do you calculate it.
99 How will you take medical advice by FLEET-77.
100 What is MARPOL discharge  discharge cretieria for annex 1 cargo spaces
101 What is SOLAS and how does it help maritime industry ,  name of  chapter 3,5, 9, 11
102 What is medicine chest on ships?
103 what is HSSC.
104 Contents of SOLAS ‘A’ pack
105 In marpol 73/78, what do  you mean by 73/78?
106 What are discharge criteria of from machinery spaces
107 What is dunnage disharge criteria.
108 What will you check in lifeboat during lowering as per solas ( he don’t wantlowering procedure)
109 What will you  check in SCBA set
110 What is new amendment of STCW.. hw it going to affect you .
111 What is P/ A manual on ships.
112 Name all anexes of MARPOL
113 Draw loadline for your  ship
114 What is FWA , how will you calculate this .
115 What is ON load and  OFF load release of lifeboat.
116 What is frequency of thorough check of fire extinguishers?
117 Structural members of fore peak construction 
118 Explain lowering procedure of lifeboat in detail and how frequently you  lower lifeboat?
119 You  are  taking a delivery of ship from japan hw will  you make  indent for medicines?
120 What all things you will do before injecting CO2  in engine room
121 What is bilging? Will there be   a change in draft due to  bilging ?
122 What is hogging and sagging
123 Duration of hydrostatic test of fire extinguishers? And from where u ll get this info
124 What is  ISM code 
125 Name SOLAS all chapters.
126 What are reuirements of life buoy and  immersion suit  as per SOLAS.
127 What is rocket parachute on ship  (height , luminuous intensity , colour  and number )
128 What is  sewage-discharge criteria in special area as per MARPOL.  
129  What is SOPEP  manual and  equipments as per MARPOL 
130 What is  SECA area and  transverse thrust.
131 What is stringer plate.
132 What is striker plate.
133 What is  sheer strake.
134 Does ILL-applied on ships.
135 What is requirement for fire pump and  emergency fire pump as per SOLAS. 
136 What are requirement for fire hydrants as per SOLAS
137  What is intact stability?
138  Stiff and tender vessel ? racking stresses ? racking stresses regulation   and  explain SF and BM?
139  Regulation for lifebuoys, total number, SI light, with line structure.
140 Regulation for MOB marker
141 Lowering time for rescue boats, equipments in a rescue boat.
142 what is Recovery strops?
143 Freefall L/B lowering requirements
144 Frequency of abondon ship, fire and security drills.
145 Classes of fire and extinguishers to be used.
146 What is Ship masters medical guide?
147 What is medical chest?How to verify the medicines onboard, if they are as per requirement or not?
148 What is  Fire Wallet?
149 Whom to contact in case of an oil spill?how to update the contact details from time to time? who is a QI (Qualified Individual)?
150 what is SOLAS chapter XII and its  requirements.
151 Latest ammendments in SOLAS, MARPOL
152 Latest requirement regarding pilot ladders
153 What is  discharge regulations  of categoy X as per NLS?
154 What is garbage discharge  criteria in and outside spcecial area.
155 Name special area for  MARPOL annex 5
156 What are slient features of ISPS code .
157 Which are certificate  as per ISPS  code  is issued to ships
158 What is objective of ISPS code
159 What is content of SSP.
160 What is duties of CSO.
161 Which certificate is issued  under ISM code?
162 Name all certificates issued  under MARPOL.
163 What is harmonic system  of surveys and certifiaction and  how does it effect ships ?
164 What is  FFA on bulk carrier
165 What is difference  between  convention and code
166 How is  ISM  implied onboard
167 What are  contents  of mechanical  type foam extinguisher.
168 What is inherently buoyant material
169 Name all types of fire and how to extinguish them
170 Number of  of lifebuoys on last ship what are  requirements for the  same
171 What is size of lifeboat falls,when did the new requirement for lifeboat falls came into force and what is new regulation for the same
172 what is free fall life boat launching requirements .
173 Contents of certificate of approval in free fall lifeboats
174 What is breaking strength of weak link connecting painter
175 What is  frequency of boat drills
176 What is difference  between TPA  and  anti exposure suit.
177 what is difference  between  sheer strake  and garboard strake
178 What is use of striker plate .
179 Fore  peak structure draw  and  explain in details
180 what are special areas of  MARPOL annex 2 and  5
181 what is MARPOL annex 1 discharge criteria  and  special areas  as well as certificate
182 what is MARPOL annex 6  NOx and  SOx limits  and which certificate is issued under this
183 what are ECA areas under  MARPOL annex 6
184 What do you mean by  OPA 90
185 What is intact buoyancy and  stability criteria for passenger ship
186 What is difference  between  code and convention
187 What is DOS .
188 SSO  and DPA under which code , what is their duties
189 Emergency fire p/p on last ship which type and how many suction
190 Which foam will you  use in engine roon  and  on deck and  what is reason for using ?
191 Name all anexes in marpol and all special areas
192 What is loadicator and what is your action in case loadictor fails during loading.
193 If loss of GM on fully loaded ship during passage..what is  action
194 what is solas training manual and what information you get from it.
195 What is boat drill and fire drill durations as per SOLAS .
196 What are heeling tanks
197 What is IMO latest discusions regarding piracy
198 What is  difference between   PSC and flag state inspection
199 What are maintainence of extinguishers and pressure testing regulations for the same. 
200 What is Reserve buoyancy and it effects ship?
201 How frequently you take SOPEP inventory
202 What is Tumble home
203 Define Camber and what is its use?
204 Life boat contents with their quantities
205 Life raft contents with their quantities
206 How EPIRB works and its carriage regulations.
207 How SART works and what is carriage regulations for it.
208 what is  Hand flare luminous intensity and their duration.
209 how many number of  Rocket parachute  on ships
210 What is  Pyro techniques validity
211 What are SCBA monthly tests
212 what is Snatch block
213 How will you construct wire rope?What it consists of?How will you confirm its diameter?
214 What are shear forces and bending moments?he wants the full explanation
215 ship is going from fresh water to salt water or vice versa what all parameters will change?
216 Explain KN  curves with diagram?
217 what is permeability?
218 what is intact stability?he wants full explanation with reference to GZ curve.
219 what is damage stability booklet?
220 what is the minimum volume of CO2 required on the ship for fixed fire fighting for engine as well as cargo spaces
221 what is the difference between a SCBA and EEBD?
222 what is a rescue boat and what equipments other than lifeboats are required in a rescue boat?
223 What is immersion suit requirements as per LSA code?
224 What is fixed DCP fire extinguishing system requirement ?
225 how many firemans outfit are required  to  be carried on ship?
226 Name  all types of loadlines
227 Can a ship have dual loadlines 
228 what is subdivision loadlines and draw it. 
229 what is difference between primsoll and subdivision load line 
230 what is loaction of EEBD on  your ships. 
231 what is class A / B/C  subdivision bulkhead.
232 what is fire control plan.
233 what information you get from fire control  plan
234 how do you prepare your vessel for SEQ survey
235 how will you prepare your your vessel for load line survey
236 what information you get from LSA plan.
237 what is regulation for bilge pumps on ships
238 Does the TPC of box shape vessel remain same or it changes with draft.
239 can lifeboat be  used as resuce boat and vise versa.
240 can rescue boat be used as life boat.
241 can we discharge wash water in special area( wash water means deck cleaning water)
242 what is SMPEP and its requirements.
243 what is pressure testing requirements of SCBA set 
244 what is pressure testing requirements of all types of fire extingishers.
245 what is regulation for checking the quality of air of SCBA compressor.
246 list all types of plan present on ships
247 what is requirement for fuel of lifeboat.
248 what are different methods of launching liferaft. 
249 Name five convention of IMO. 
250 What is minimum length of fire hose as per SOLAS.
251 What is dimensions of international shore connection.
252 what is MARGIN line.
253 what is regulation for VECs 
254 Ship is going from fresh water to salt water or vice versa what all parameter will change.
255 Explain KN  curves?
256 What is permeability?
257 What is Damage stability booklet and its contents?
258 What is the minimum volume of CO2 required on the ship for fixed fire
259 What are fire Fighting regulations for engine as well as cargo spaces
260 What is the difference between  SCBA and EEBD ?
261 What is a rescue boat and what equipments other than lifeboats are required in a rescue boat?
262 What are regulations for Immersion suit requirements as per LSA  code?
263 what are Fixed DCP fire extinguishing system requirement as per IGC?
264 How many firemans outfit are required to be carried on ship?
265 What is Heavy weather ballast ( Criteria and conditions when to be taken ).
266 Draw HRU and weak link  and explain briefly.
267 Function of pilot bottle in CO2 system .
268 Fire fighting equipment on tankers ( High Expansion and Low expansion Foam systems )
269 what is Virtual loss of reserve buoyancy .
270 What Is Garboard Strake , Sheer Strake
271 Use And Difference  Of Tpa And Immersion Suit
272 Difference between Stiff and Tender ship.
273 How will I know your ship is ISM certified?
274 What is the discharge criteria of ODMC
275 What is the discharge criteria of OWS  as per marpol annex 1
276 What is discharge criteria of noxious liquid as per annex II
277 What is the requirement of disposal of garbage.
278 What is oil record book what it is contain.
279 What is ECA and what is deals about 
280 What is ballast water management and requirement
281 Draw collision bulkhead and explain 
282 What is the frames how they are named
283 What is the different between watertight and weather tight door
284 As third officer what are all the maintenance you carried Out for immersion suit
285 What use and requirement high fog mist system
286 What is the SOLAS pack A,B 
287 What are the monthly maintenance carried out on portable Fire extinguisher
288 What is the pressure hole
289 What is the pressure test carried out on portable fire Extinguisher
290 What is the hydrostatic test 
291 How you get medical advice what are publication used
292 What is the difference between DPA and ship security Officer
293 If ship draft change what are the change happen in stability Booklet
294 If the block coefficient change which part of the ship draft Rise and fall what reason
295 What is the drill requirement as per SOLAS 
296 What are Fire hose length requirement as per SOLAS.
297 Draw HRU diagram explain lashing requirements
298 Explain on/off load mechanisam of lifeboat.
299 What is the requirement for fire protected lifeboats?
300 What is the rquirement for foam applicator onboard as per SOLAS?
301 What is the discharge criteria for oil in machinery space?
302 What is the least GM required by a cargo ship?
303 Describe role of ISM in Shipping? What is an SMS?
304 List the statutory requirements of a enclosed type lifeboat?
305 Discharge criteria  for oil from machinery spaces , both inside and outside.
306 After joining a ship how will you familiarise  yourself with the LSA and FFA onboard
307 Where are fire plans located on board.,is it mandatory, which code or regulation states that?
308 What is IOPP certificate and IAPP certificate, what is part A and part B?
309 What are the  fixed fire fighting systems  in your last ship?
310 Different types of fixed fire fighting systems for engine room?
311 What are Contents of FFA code and LSA code
312 How often shore servicing is carried out for fixed fire fighting system, where it is stated?
313 What areTypes of life boats
314 One crew member found lying unconsious in the  alleway, you are alone ,actions and first aid  to be given
315 How will you start fire pump on board.
316 How many persons will you require to lower a lifeboat in calm weather and how will you lower it
317 When will you activate sart in a lifeboat.
318 What signal will shore give to indicate if this place is not safe for landing.
319 What are Solas steering gear requirements.
320 How will you rig a breeches buoy.
321 What is panting and pounding and what are the construction features on a vessel to counter their effects.
322 How will you maintain the watertight integrity of hatch covers.
323 How do you determine the carriage capacity of a lifeboat
324 What is an oil record book and what are the entries in the same.
325 What is dirty ballast-clean ballast-segregated ballast
326 Mantainence of dcp fire extinguishers and frequency of hydraulic pressure testing of all types of extinguishers.
327 What annexes of marpol can be applied to LPG  ships- can you apply annex ii .
328 Construction and the importance of the drain plug.
329 What are regulation for Mantainence of life boat falls. 
330 Duties and precautions when approaching a boat in distress, which side will you approach the boat.
331 what are Formula to find GT and NT.
332 How would you go about disposing plastic on board..
333 How do you carry out maintainence of fire extinguishers on your vessel
334 What are regulation for Slop tanks  as per MARPOL.
335 Oil overflow during bunkering, action.
336 Pressure at which fireline relief valve  operates.
337 What is meaning of Instantaneous rate of discharge.
338 what are SOLAS  contents.
339 What is permeability with respect to solas.
340 Explain Sheer strake, garboard strake and  gunwale plate  with diagram.
341 Panting / pounding & strenthening against it.
342 what are types of framing on containers & tankers.
343 What are Principle of electric arc welding.
344 Use of camber other than drainage of water.
345 How do you strengthen the deck in the wake of hatch openings.
346 SOLAS  requirements for pressure at hydrants.
347 Definition and formulae for pressure.
348 Discharge critera for sludge & specifications of a sludge line.
349 what is SOPEP  manual contents and Is it different for different ships ?
350 Discharge critera for oil from machinery space inside and outside special areas
351 Slop tank requirements as per marpol.
352 Oil tanker loading and discharge checklists. 
353 Measures taken to prevent harm to marine environment by chemicals.
354 What are FFA on chemical tankers.
355 what is Lifeboat air support system regulations.
356 Slop tank requirements as per marpol.
357 Oil tanker loading and discharge checklists
358 Requirements for the discharge of oil on cargo vessels and tankers.
359 Authorities to be contacted in case of an oil spill.
360 what are Oil record book entries and specifications.
361 How and where is foam formed when compound is injected in the line.
362 What is panting and pounding and what are the construction features on a vessel to counter their effects.
363 Procedure for starting The Emergency Fire Pump.
364 How do you determine the carriage capacity of a lifeboat
365 What is dirty ballast-clean ballast-segregated ballast
366 Define forward perpendicular.
367 Fire fighting extinguishing system on board.
368 Action when water discharge, but no foam.
369 How do you determine content of effluent in cargo (odmcs).
370 what is frequency of SOPEP  drill on chemical tankers.
371 LSA carraige Requirements  on passengers as per SOLAS.
372 Solas requirements for pilot ladders.
373 Can you  discharge cargo oil in special  areas ?
374 What certificates for annex 4 of MARPOL ?
375 What is triangle in bulk carriers i explaind but he askd i carried bfor high density cargo is der any way to arrest ma ships den y?he expects date of force i.e 1999
376 What is solid GM and how it is different from fluid GM?
377 What is FSC  and explain FSM  and formula for FSC ?
378 Explain angle of loll and righting lever as well as moment?
379 Draw and explain unstable equilibrium?
380 What is difference  between  heel and list ?
381 How will you increase your  GM when you  have less GM?
382 Slop tank capacity of vessel more than 70000dwt?
383 What is GZ  and which curve gives uncorrected GZ ?
384 How will you  find intial GM  and how will you  calculate cargo calculation for coal if you expect 50000ton cargo and your c/o is under medical treatment?
385 From which curve you get corrected GZ?
386 Show neutral equilibrium in -ve equilibrium curve?
387 If you  ship is listed to 17 degree  and will you proceed from port if not justify ?
388 How will  you calculate  DWA and what is density of DW (1.0-1.015)?
389 What is deckline?
390 Define  camber then rise of floor and shell expansion plan?
391 What is validity of your medical certificate from were  you find it?
392 What  are  buoyancy chamber in rescue boat of rigid type?
393 What is  the  use of diaphragm of hydrostatic release of lifeboat?
394 What is difference  between  outbound and  inbound motor in rescue boat?
395 Why  CO2 in  liferaft?
396 What is level 3 of ISPS and what is frequency of routine round ?

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