On 31st Aug 2008, PM at ship in DR 10˚15’S 000˚ 00’, the sextant altitude of the sun’s LL was 34˚ 54.0’ when the chron (error 01m 20s FAST) showed 03h 11m 30s. If IE was 1.5’ on the arc & HE was 17m, find the direction of the LOP and the longitude where it cuts the DR latitude.
GMT 31 August 15h 10m 10s
GHA (31d 15h) 044˚ 58.0’ Dec N 08˚ 21.4’
Incr. (10m 10s) 002˚ 32.5’ d(-0.9) 00.2’
GHA 046˚ 30.5’ Dec N 08˚ 21.2’
Lat 10˚ 15’ S
Sext Alt 34˚ 54.0’
IE (on) (-) 01.5’
Observed Alt 34˚ 52.5’
Dip (HE 22m) (-) 07.3’
App Alt 34˚ 45.2’
T Corrn. LL (+) 14.6’
T Alt 34˚ 59.8’
@vikarant_sharma diagram in first question is wrong obs long value is smaller than DR LONG so it should be drawn in left side of DR long
can you tell how you have calculated gmt in 1st question
2nd and 3rd point of the note is also wrong. Correct one is when the sun (and star) is east of the meridian it’s AM, at that time LHA is between 180-360 so P= 360°-LHA. when the sun and (the star) is west of the meridian at that time LHA is between 0°-180° , and LHA=P . Correct ans of the question is P= 49°38.8°… long=175°15.8°…. az=N80.1W or 279.9° true
The value of P is wrong. It should be 52°0.1′. Hence LHA would be 52°0.1′ and longitude = 004°29.6’E
Calculate latitude course and speed error for following ship
A)ship steering 230°T at 22.0 knots in latitude 41°24S
B)ship steering 140°T at 15.0 knots in latitude 56°00N
Please solve this problem argent machinical project hy
Its wrong
Can u tell how did you got the GMT time to be 13h 00m 52s in the last question?
No its wrong
thank you very much Lovepreet for notifying us.. we will look into it & correct as required.best wishes for your exams.
solutions of formula cosP is wrongg … it matches the ans in the textbook bt when we try to solve it ans is slight different.. so it is humble request to u to pls correct the answers because students are facing difficulties when trying to get help from youe site …
Thank.you lovepreet..can you please specify the numerical where it is wrong.