NAMING OF AMPLITUDE: The prefix of True Amplitude is E if the body is rising and W if the body is setting. The suffix is same as that of the declination.
T Az = 079.7˚ (T)
C Az = 090.0˚ (C)
Error = 10.3˚ W
Variation = 05˚ W
Deviation = 5.3 W
On 1st May 2008, in DR 30˚ 06’N 179 ˚ 45’W, the setting sun bore 285˚(C). If variation was 2˚W, find the deviation for the ship’s head.
LMT Sunrise = 1d 18h 38m 00s
LIT (W) = (+) 11h 59m 00s
GMT Sunset = 2d 06h 37m 00s
As we know that:
LMT of Sunrise or Sunset are taken from the nautical almanac and needs only be interpolated and taken in whole minutes of time. If the time ofobservation is given in the problem, then given time should be used for calculation. It is necessary to remove the ambiquity of chron time.
Dec sun 2d 06h = N 15˚ 30.1’
d (+0.7) = + 00.4’
Dec 2d 06h 37m 00s = N 15˚ 30.5’
We know that :
In question number 4 of exercise 29 (RSAz Sun) the LMT should be 30d 07h 33m 00s
LMT should be 30D 07h 35m 58s ……….. and Dec is S 21deg 40.1′