- Survival craft launching instructions using IMO symbols posted on or in the vicinity of the survival craft and their launching controls Yes/No
- Lighting at muster and embarkation stations adequate and supplied by emergency power source
- Area of water into which survival craft are launched provided with adequate lighting, including forward liferaft (if any)
- Lighting at alleyways, stairways and exits giving access to muster and embarkation stations adequate Yes/No
- Embarkation ladders in good condition (including one for forward liferaft)
Launching Appliances:
- Lifeboat davits in good working condition
- All pulleys greased and rotating freely
- Limit switches on davits tested and found satisfactory
- Lifeboat falls free from paint and greased
- Davit winches tested, brakes working satisfactorily.
- Free-fall lifeboat ramp and recovery arrangements, where fitted, in good working order, all moving parts correctly lubricated
- Rescue boat launching appliance in good working order (if carried as separate boat from the ship’s lifeboats), including on-load, off-load release hook of approved type.
- Launching davits for davit launched liferafts, where fitted, in good working order with off-load release hook of approved type.
Inflatable liferafts: