- Securing devices and release arrangements checked for condition
- Closing appliances in good condition, loose gear stowed
- Seats, anchorages and seat belts in good condition
Lifeboat Engine:
- Starts readily
- Gearbox engages forward and astern
- Exhaust system found free from fuel/cooling system leaks and exhaust/hot surfaces properly insulated
- Engine properly serviced
- Drive belts for auxiliaries correctly adjusted (generator/water pumps)
- Fuel tank in good condition and filled with sufficient fuel for 24 hours running
- Engine transmission and accessories enclosed in fire retardant casing
- Portable fire extinguisher suitable for oil fires within service period
- Propeller guard checked for condition
- Batteries and charging arrangement checked and found satisfactory
- Water resistant instructions for starting and operating the engine clearly posted and in the correct language for the crew
Embarkation arrangements: