Checklist for health audit on ships ?


M.V/ M.T                                                                                                             DATE__________

AUDITOR:                                                                                                                PORT___________

NOTE: Any item marked in the “N” column below  must be supported by suitable remarks/explanations in the Auditor’s report.


S.No Code Item Y N
1. HMP 01           Is Health Policy available on board. QSM 2.4.1    
2. HMP 02 Is the Policy communicated to all interested parties. Are the Interested Parties Identified.    
3. HMP 03 Is onboard Health Representative Identified.    
4. HMP 04 Are Shipboard Health hazards identified.  Are Hazards reviewed periodically.    
5. HMP 05 Are MSDS available for Cargo/Chemicals etc.    
6. HMP 06 Is the PPE matrix available for the type of job required to be carried out.    
7. HMP 07 Are Food Spaces/Galley/ checked regularly. Is water Potability checked.    
8. HMP 08 Is health agenda part included in the Safety committee reports.    
9. HMP 09 Are pre-joining medical reports available for all personnel.    
10. HMP 10 Are drug and alcohol checks for on board personnel carried out as required by procedures.    
11. HMP 11 Are employees represented and consulted on HSE matters, Changes in workplace and incident investigation.    
12. HMP 12 Are equipments for MMS calibrated as required by procedures/manufacturer’s guidelines. Is a list of equipments available.    
13. HMP 13 Are personnel provided with onboard/ashore training with respect to Health Management Programme.    
14. HMP 14 Does the agenda for Management Review include Health requirements. Are copies available on board.    
15. HMP 15 Is a trend analysis for occupational health related incidents and illnesses carried out    


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