Oral Questions of Cargo work (FUNCTION -2)
The following questions came from candidates right after they had finished their oral exam.
1. | Action in case of IG failure as per ISGOTT 7.1.12 ? | ||||
2. | When will Master make ‘Note of Protest’?=(when he suspects that there is a damage to cargo on account of heavy weather or any other condition) ? | ||||
3. | BoL and Mate’s Rcpt – what are they and what is the difference between them? What do you mean by ‘negotiable’? | ||||
4. | For which cargoes the following are important – a) Angle of Repose(solid bulk cargoes), b) T.M.L.(concentrates) How will you determine Moisture content of a cargo?(SPOT CHK) | ||||
5. | IMDG – is the Segregation Table different for Containers and for other types of packaging? If a certain cargo has ‘away from’ requirement, will the distance change if the cargo is loaded in a container as against when loaded in package of any other kind ?(3m horizontal separation projected vertically) | ||||
6. | What does segregation table look like ? | ||||
7. | What do you understand by ‘wet base’?. | ||||
8. | What precaution can you take to prevent ‘wet shift’ or shift of grain ?(longitudinal divisions) | ||||
9. | If a bulk carrier is designed for grain carriage, can you load grain without securing it? | ||||
10. | Dry shift of cargo explain with example GRAIN | ||||
11. | Angle of repose n its effects ?Angle of repose meansthe maximum slope angle of non-cohesive (i.e. free-flowing) granular material. It is measured as the angle between a horizontal plane and the cone slope of such material | ||||
12. | IMSBC code brief description( go through all section of imsbc supply 4, 7 he will ask any thing suddenly ) | ||||
13. | what is alternate hold loading as per which SOLAS regulations allowed or not ( SOLAS chapter 12 reg 14 ) | ||||
14. | What are DRI hazards ? Explain in detail ? | ||||
15. | What is BLU manual in IMSBC code ? (its supplement to imsbc code ) The BLU Code applies to the loading and unloading of solid bulk cargoes, to or from bulk carriers of more than 500 gross tonnage. | ||||
16. | What is solid bulk cargoes ? Including those responsible for the training of personnel. | ||||
17. | whats is HVV ( with complete requirements) | ||||
18. | what is mast riser? Why the product tankers are not having HVV & mast riser together? | ||||
19. | Product tanker pipeline system. | ||||
20. | What is the pumping system on product tanker? (FRAMO Pump) | ||||
21. | Will you load the cargo through pump ? | ||||
22. | Then how will commence loading through Framo pump (through Discharge line and why not through Drop line,since drop line has been designed for loading the cargo) | ||||
23. | what is ANTI-ROTATION mechanism in framo and how does it work? | ||||
24. | How do you carry out striping on product tanker with framo pump??? | ||||
25. | Tell me that you are the chief officer and you want to carry out COW. what all preparation will you carry out??? can you start preparing for COW at mid sea during voyage??? | ||||
26. | At what pressure you will test the COW line??? Chp 11.5 | ||||
27. | Cow precaution?=—O2 % not to exceed 8% this check to be done at least at 2 levels –1mtr below dk and at middle of the total tank ullage. The IG pressure should be positive at all times to ensure no ingress of air into tank. Any of this condition not satisfied then the operation to be stopped. | ||||
28. | Why Positive pressure maintained during CARGO operation ? | ||||
29. | Tell me the name of crude oil which COW can’t be carried out??? (the cargo which is having high viscosity, high wax cargo, high static accumulator. | ||||
30. | Tell me the value of wax, viscos and high static accumulator in numerical? what is the solas requirement of Deck seal over board discharge line??? | ||||
31. | In what case I.G. System will shut down automatically. | ||||
32. | Is there any exemption for pre wash in Annex-II ? | ||||
33. | what are the Exemptions of pre-wash as per ISGOTT ? | ||||
34. | what is VECS ? ( vapour emission control system, it uses gas diffusion principle for monitoring O2 content) | ||||
35. | Tell me the setting of primary and secondary venting arrangement when vessel is carrying operation in VECS mode? | ||||
36 | What do you understand by Tanker Calculation??? (for box type vessel). | ||||
37. | Dry crude, why cow washing is done, why not with water, how many checklist are there for cow as per ISGOTT? | ||||
38. | What chapter 8 of ISGOTT ? | ||||
39. | Solas venting arrangement regulations number draw HVV valve? | ||||
40. | PV valve and PV breaker as per SOLAS ? | ||||
41. | list of Alarms of IG as per SOLAS ? | ||||
42. | Describe IG system fully with line diagram? | ||||
43. | What are high vapor pressure cargoes? | ||||
44. | What are entries in ORB as per regulations 17 and 36 ? | ||||
45. | Requirements for cargo tank venting? | ||||
46. | Why HVV v/vs came in use when mast riser can cope up, explain relating to the case study related to this. | ||||
47. | Hot work on deck? | ||||
48. | What is sour crude ? which convention or regulation talks about it ? | ||||
49. | Precautions for loading crude with high sulphur contents ? | ||||
50. | What is loadline regulations as per solas ? | ||||
51. | What is solas requirements for pumproom? | ||||
52. | What are actions as chief officer in case of I.G system failure? | ||||
53. | Can cargo operation be resumed without IG system operational? on crude oil tanker we cannot resume. He then asked why I answered due to flash point being less than 60 deg,static hazard,pyrophoric iron sulphide hazards. | ||||
54. | Why there is no pyrophoric problem on products? due to tank coatings in product tankers. | ||||
55. | Permit to work system. – As Low As Reasonably Practicable – ALARP. | ||||
56. | Procedure of draining COW line after COW operation. | ||||
57. | what is COW line relief V/v and its significance ? | ||||
58. | Type of material used between COW branch line and clamps ? | ||||
59. | What are static electricity hazards? | ||||
60. | Crude oil wash or water wash…..which will create more static electricity. | ||||
61. | Is IG a static hazard and how? then why used in cargo tanks? | ||||
62. | Antistatic additives? when they are used and when are they added? | ||||
63. | Is crude oil is antistatic accumulator? | ||||
64. | Piping arrangement on product and chemical tankers? ring main system. | ||||
65. | Where does press sensor fitted on ig main line which shows in the CCR. | ||||
66. | Drawing of wet deck seal and PV breaker ? | ||||
67. | list of ISGOTT chapters and brief description ? | ||||
68. | Purging gas freeing inerting in deep.including the regulations ? |
1. | what is trim diagram and its significance ? | ||
2. | How will you load solid bulk cargoes ? | ||
3. | What is shipper declaration ? | ||
4. | How would you test for TML on board ? what is the shape, size and material of the container in which test if after testing if liquid floating in top, how you deal with the charterer? | ||
5. | if charterer still giving u the certificate of lab test showing cargos under TML ,can you load ? | ||
6. | if you are confirm that TML is more than 90% can u load ? | ||
7. | Is GRT help for any Grain calculation in detail, What is DOA? Can ship without DOA load grain if does not comply with 1/3rd of DWT limit ? | ||
8. | What is TML, FMP ? how to find on ship. How to find angle of repose ? Why do we need to know it, how much for grain? What is factor? What factors for grain loading? | ||
9. | Explain CSC in detail? | ||
10. | How will you determine if a container loaded on board is a DG container or not ? | ||
11. | How will you ensure that GM remains sufficient for a container ship ? | ||
12. | What is Multimodal transport document? | ||
13. | How will you know that the manifest supplied is DG manifest or not. | ||
14. | How will you determine how many vehicles can be loaded in one car deck? | ||
15. | You are mate on a Bulk Carrier with 5 cargo holds. You have to load Iron Ore in these holds. How will you go about it ? | ||
16. | What is the difference between Cargo Manifest and DG Manifest? | ||
17. | What is Aframax Define? | ||
18. | Why Volumetric heeling Moment for grain cargo is called ‘Assumed Volumetric Heeling moment ? | ||
19. | you have to load 75,000MT bauxite cargo, how will you go about? If you don’t have trim & stability booklet on board, How will you plan your cargo? | ||
20. | who generates Bill of Lading, what is negotiable B/L? | ||
21. | What are the Hazards associated with Wood pulp cargo? | ||
22. | Documents required on a loading and discharging port befor cargo operation.? | ||
23. | Why draft calculation is not done on a tanker? or Why cargo is calculated by ullage method and not by draft survey? | ||
24. | What is a loadicator ? FSC correction is incorporated in GM given by loadicator or not.? | ||
25. | Can you load crude oil products on a VLCC? if so what all documents/certificates you will check ? | ||
26. | How many copies of Bill of lading are issued? | ||
27. | Is coal a concentrate? | ||
28. | Moisture content certificate , validity? | ||
29. | What are IMSBC code content? | ||
31. | why dont we usually calcualte FSC on tankers, when COT is loaded ? | ||
32. | Different procedure of GM CALCULATIONS? | ||
33. | How do you know on tanker wic type of c/oil ur ship is capable of carrying – as per IOPP CERT. | ||
34. | Why certificate of fitness not on tanker , tanker carry c/oil as mentioned in marpol appendix and construction and equipt on tanker is diff from chemical and gas ? | ||
35. | What is sour crude ? Hazards associated with sour crude? | ||
36. | What is pyrophoric reaction? | ||
37. | How you calculate GM on Oil tankers? | ||
38. | What is DOC ? Criteria for the issuance of DOC? | ||
39. | What is a loadicator ? Why it is required | ||
40. | How shearing forces and bending moment shown on a loadicator? | ||
41. | Documents required by a vessel before discharging on oil tankers? | ||
42. | Does oil cargo comes under IMDG Code ? | ||
43. | What is cape sized bulk career, what factors involve to distinguish size of bulk career? | ||
44. | Hazards & precaution for loading iron ore? | ||
45. | How will you minimize wet shift? | ||
46. | What is minimum SF for a cargo to be called high density cargo? | ||
47. | What is APCS code ? | ||
48. | what is meaning of DWT in cargo calculation ? |
1. | How will you find out the hazardous chemical in chemical tanker, answer with examples ? | |||
2. | You are on a timber carrier with your WNA load-line in sea level, what is the max height of timber you can load on deck ? | |||
3. | What are the precautions will you take during the above voyage? | |||
4. | How many types of segregation tables in IMDG code? What kind of segregation table is provided for the class 1 cargoes? how does it look like? | |||
5. | what do you mean by constant? | |||
6. | How will you detect a container on a container ship? what is master bay plan? | |||
7. | Can all ships load IMDG cargoes? if not then what is the requirement for loading IMDG cargoes on board? | |||
8. | Requirement for timber vessel on WNA region? | |||
9. | Drain system in deck seal and scrubber unit? | |||
10. | Requirment of class 1 cargo stowage? | |||
11. | If oil tanker have ODMCS for checking oil discharge what in chemical tanker you have to check the discharge ?Re-wash and other categories discharges as per PA manual. | |||
12. | Types of different chemical tankers and categories of cargoes in details ? | |||
13. | Different alarms on IG plant, what to do if high gas pressure alarms pop ups i.e PV valve should operate ? | |||
14. | What can be done if high gas temp alarms pops up? check scrubber water level and water temp….? | |||
15. | If sensitive chemical cargo is being carried and if gas or flue gas cannot be used what other arrangements are there to control atmosphere , N2 generator | |||
16. | Both bulk carrier and crude oil tanker are in ballast state and ready to load cargo. differentiate their arrival draft survey. on bulk carriers – what is constant and how todetermine it?. he does not wants the formula. | |||
17. | On crude oil tanker why OBQ is in volume not in weight?. i.e. different density for sludge and water so cannot determine weight ? | |||
18. | EMS and its classes. how to find different EMS for various DGs ? | |||
19. | What arrangement in gas tankers like PV valve in oil chemical tankers i.e. relief valve for excess pressure but why not vacuum arrangement. i.e. in gas tankers there is no vacuum created ? | |||
20. | Both LPG and LNG are gases but why different types i.e. Difference between LPG and LNG Gases | |||
21. | About MARVS in gas tankers? | |||
22. | What determines what cargo can the chemical tanker carry ? | |||
23. | What determines that a cargo ship can carry IMDG cargo? | |||
24. | How is DOC issued on what basis ? fire fighting arrangement and the structural part ? | |||
25. | Timber cargo on deck why in slope in forward? reduce head swell pressure on cargo lashing ? | |||
26. | Carriage of explosive in passenger ship ? class1.4 and class S and remaining 10kg and 50kg stuffs in details ? | |||
27. | Before LNG ships did not have re liquefication system onboard, why it was difficult to reliquefy LNG earlier? (critical temp of lng) | |||
28. | Which publication other than IGC code used for gas carriers. (SIGTTO). | |||
29. | Triangle below deckline on ship side, what it indicates? | |||
30. | Chemical carrier how to determine which cargo containment system to be used for which cargo. (IBC code) | |||
31. | IMDG container segregation? | |||
32. | Segregation of explosives? | |||
33. | Banana cargo , CO2 accumulated inside hold at sea..action | |||
34. | Is it always necessary to lash grain in a partially filled compartment? | |||
35. | Bulk carrier – load port ,ballast tanks full, loader arm height above hatch coaming not enough and how to load? | |||
36. | Open bill of lading ? | |||
37. | Why height of timber deck cargo in winter zone in winter not more than 1/3rd of the beam? | |||
38. | why is bill of lading an evidence of contract & not a contract? | |||
39. | what additional personal safety device is required on timber ships? |
1. | Gives winter displacement and summer displacement.cons per day of HO , FO and FW rob onboard and constant and asks the dwt of your ship and says calculate the maximum cargo |
2. | You are at discharge port and no one has come to take the cargo what will you do ? |
3. | Heavy lift precautions ?(apart from normal precautions like load density) |
4. | Cargo calculations of a bulk carrier ? |
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