What is Bridge Procedures Guide or BPG and its contents?

  1. Operation And Mantaince Of Navigational Equipment

4.1         General
4.2         Radar And Arpa.
4.3         Steering Gear And Autopilot.
4.4         Gyro And Magnetic Compasses.
4.5         Chronometres.
4.6         Echo Sounders.
4.7         Speed And Distance Recorders.
4.8        Electronic Position Fixing Aids.
4.9        Direction Finders.
4.10      Hydrographic Publications.
4.11      Emergency Navigational Lights And Signal Equipment.
4.12      Radiotelephone.
4.13      Ship Radio Reporting Systems And Requirements.


  ANNEX I:     Pilot Card.

 ANNEX II:    Wheelhouse Poster.

 ANNEX III:   Guidance On Steering Gear Test Routines.

 ANNEX IV:   Notice On The Correct Use Of Vhf Channels.

 ANNEX V:    Required Boarding Arrangements For Pilots.

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