Action in case of Grounding

When a vessel runs aground accidentally, it is called Stranding. As a result, the double bottom area of the vessel suffers considerable damage, especially if the ground is rocky. The Master of stranded ship shall first secure the safety of crew, cargo, vessel and the environment and should

  1. Stop engine.
  2. Sound emergency alarm.
  3. Display aground lights and switch on deck lights.
  4. Inform all departments.
  5. Broadcast warning message to all vessels in the vicinity and continuous VHF watch maintained.
  6. Position on chart investigated and safe port options investigated. 
  1. Extent and position of damage.
  2. Head count- casualties.
  3. Check watertight integrity of hull- internal and external soundings.  After  soundings have been made air pipes and sounding pipes to be well secured. This will prevent oil pollution and water pressure causing the oil to rise upwards.
  4. Condition of machinery wet or dry.
  5. Shut all watertight doors and fire doors.
  6. Obtain damage reports from all departments.
  7. Refer to vessels damage stability information.
  8. Damage control party mustered and reduce the ingress of water.
  9. Consider the possibility of fire or oil pollution hazards.
  10. Determine nature of bottom. Determine time of next high water.
  11. Lifeboat ready and swung out. LSA / FFA equipment standby.
  12. Appropriate entries made in logbook.

After grounding there is no damage to hull or watertight integrity. What will you do next? 

I will call for an underwater survey. 


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