How would you determine if your ship is dragging anchor and what action would you take as OOW?

Checks to be performed:

  • Check position by radar(range bearing),GPS & UKC
  • D.log indicates ship is moving in certain direction with a speed of more than 1 knot
  • Confirm vsl is within the turning circle
  • Course recorder indicates distorted curve rather than regular sine curve
  • Regular swinging motion is topped & weather side becomes fixed.
  • Abnormal vibrations are felt on the hull
  • Relative positions to surrounding ships changes
  • Taut cable condition continues

Actions when dragging anchor is confirmed:

  1. When the ship has sheered away from the 1st anchor, drop the other anchor on the bottom and stop the run of the cable
  2. Put both cables in gear and walk back equal equally on both,ensuring that the first anchor has at least half a shackle left in chain locker
  3. Put both the brakes on, take the gears out and hold on
  4. Keep anchor watch to ensure that the anchors are holding
  5. Keep engines on stop at short notice
  6. If the master is ashore, the chief officer would automatically take charge of the situation
  7. In rare case of both master and c/o ashore , the second officer would have to manage,


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