(1) The Emergency source of electric power required shall be capable of simultaneously supplying the following services, including any starting currents and for the following periods:-
(a) For a period of 3 hours the emergency lighting required under the Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances) rules, 1990.
(b) For a period of 18 hours, emergency lighting :-
- (i) In all service an accommodations alleyways, stairways , exits, lifts and lifts shafts.
- In machinery spaces and main generating stations including the control positions.
- In control stations, machinery control rooms and at each main and emergency switchboard.
- At the stowage positions for firemen’s outfits.
- At the steering gear, and
- At the fire pump, sprinkler pump and emergency bilge pump and at their starting positions.
(c) For a period of 18 hours, unless they have an equivalent independent supply from a suitably located accumulator battery:-
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