A pump is said to cavitate when the pressure at the pump suction has fallen to such an extent that bubbles of vapour are formed in the fluid being pumped.
In a centrifugal pump bubbles can form with great rapidity at the pump suction and may be carried away to regions of higher pressure within the pump. The bubbles then collapse rapidly and in the process of collapsing creates a hammer effect. This effect, though minute, if repeated frequently, may cause damage to the pump.
The residual effects of cavitation, as well as the cavitation itself, can be a problem and include:-
- Erosion of metallic surfaces which, if severe, may create flow disturbances.
- Vibration, which may damage the pump or, more commonly, the instrumentation connected with the pump and installation.
Centrifugal pumps must not be allowed to cavitate.
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In a self-priming system a discharge control valve performs two duties:-
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