When is DoS needed?

  1.  When the ship is operating at a higher security level than the port facility it has notified of its intention to enter;
  2.  When it intends to enter a port facility that is not required to have a port facility security plan or appoint a port facility security
  3. When the ship is at a higher security level than the port facility (where the port facility is at a higher security level than the ship, it is for the port facility to  initiate the DoS);
  4.  In all cases where the ship is operating at security level 3;
  5.   When a ship/ship interface takes place outside the harbour area, whether or not the other ship is required to have a ship security plan, or at what security level the other ship is operating at;
  6.  Following a security incident or security threat to the ship, or the port facility or ship it is interfacing with;
  7.  When the security level is increased while the ship is in port or ship/ship interface is taking place
  8.  When carrying or intending to load or discharge cargoes listed within classes Explosives, toxic substances, radioactive contained in the UN Model Regulations on Dangerous goods.