Part 1 – All Ships General – All Ship Types AA.1 Have any alterations been made or any...
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What should be pilot transfer arrangements requirements as per...
As per SOLAS chapter V, REGULATION 23:- 1. Application 1.1 Ships engaged on voyages in the course...
A ship of 19200 M.T. displacement, 235m long has KM 10.2m, KG 9.4m, TPC 32 MCTC 254tm is...
What are contents of International Medical Guide for ships ?
First aid First aid on board A basic life support sequence Choking Bleeding Shock Pain management...
What is SSAS or Ship security and alert system and its details?
The ship security alert system is provided to a ship for the purpose of transmitting a security...
What is the significance of different types of Indicator cards?
Different types of Indicator diagrams and their purpose: i) Power card – To calculate...
Niger Pirates Attack CMA CGM
Pirates have attacked the Liberian-flagged 4,360 TEU CMA CGM Turquoise, kidnapping two crew members...
What will happen if Tappet Clearance is less or more?
Consequences of less tappet clearance: Valve will open early & close late Air induced through...
What are drills requirements for all vessels as per SOLAS?
Drills:- Every crew member shall participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill...