What is regulations for SSAS as per Director General of shipping or DG shipping ?

Followings are regulations for SSAS  as mentioned below :

  1. As per Regulation 6, Chapter XI – 2 of the SOLAS convention 1974 as amended on the subject.
  2. The Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) shall be provided to the following type of vessels on International voyages as under:
  3. Ships constructed on or after 1 July 2004;
  4. Passenger ships, including high speed passenger craft, constructed before 1 July 2004, not later than the first survey of the radio installation after 1 July 2004;
  5. Oil tankers, chemical tankers, gas carriers, bulk carriers and cargo, high-speed craft, of 500 gross tonnage and upwards constructed before 1 July 2004, not later than the first survey of the radio installation after 1 July 2004; and
  6. Other cargo ships of 500 gross tonnage and upward and mobile offshore drilling units constructed before 1 July 2004, not later than the first survey of the radio installation after 1 July 2006.

3.1  The SSAS shall meet the performance standards adopted by IMO under Res. MSC 136(76), MSC 147(77) and MSC Circular 1072. It may be a part of the existing radio installation or may be a stand-alone unit. If the SSAS is a component of existing radio installation, it shall not interfere with the normal function of the existing equipment. Such arrangement shall meet the relevant sections of IEC 60945.  

3.2 The dedicated equipment used for transmission of Security Alert should not be used for any other routine communication. The system should have the main source of electrical power and a backup source, which may include emergency source or independent supply. However, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) or such similar device may also be considered as an alternate source of power.  

3.3 Ships registered under the Merchant Shipping Act as referred in para 2 above shall be equipped with SSA duly approved by the Directorate General of Shipping. 

4.1  The SSAS should be documented in the Ship Security Plan. The location of activation points should be specified in the plan and may form a part of the “Confidential” Section of the plan. It is advised that such information shall be known to the Master, Ship Security Officer and other ship personnel as may be decided by the Master and the SSO.  

4.2 If the ship has been fitted with a  “SSAS” after approval of the ship security plan (SSP), the relevant section of the plan shall be revised and shall form a part of the SSP. While submitting the revisions, the resubmission should clearly give the particulars of the equipment and other details for information of Directorate General of Shipping (as per enclosed format) under Annex A. Upon such fitment the Master and the CSO shall confirm that the system has been fitted on board the ship in accordance with the approved SSP. A functional test by way of activation shall be demonstrated for compliance to the DGS through a test message to the communication center.

4.3 The functionality test of the SSAS shall be demonstrated during every Safety Radio Survey and during Intermediate or Renewal audit for International ship security certificate. The unit should be capable of being tested in the presence of representative from the flag state. DGS should be notified in advance of any test and such test shall be documented.

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