What is P & I or protection and indemnity insurance ?


P&I insurance, provided by Protection and Indemnity Clubs, covers ship owners against their legal liabilities to third parties.

The vessels managed by the Company are entered either with The London Steamship Owners’ Mutual Insurance Association Limited or The North of England P&I Association Limited. Both P&I clubs are members of the international pool of P&I clubs.

Some of the risks or incidents that are covered by the P&I clubs:

a) Compensation for loss of life and or injury to crewmembers for hospitalization, medical expenses etc.

b) Death or injury to stevedores and other third parties.

c) Loss of seaman’s personal effect.

d) Deviation expenses, port charges etc. for the purpose of saving life or for landing an injured or sick crew member from the ship for medical treatment.

e) Fines

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