What is Manifest ?

  • Each ship carrying dangerous goods and marine pollutants shall have a special list or manifest
  • A copy of one of these documents shall be made available before departure
  • A copy of one of these documents shall be retained on board for at least one year and be available for inspection by Port State inspectors.
  • A copy of one of these documents shall be made available before departure
  • A copy of one of these documents shall be retained on board for at least one year and be available for inspection by Port State inspectors.

You may also know DG CARGO spotting plan :

The dangerous goods spotting plan shall ensure that only valid positions are utilised for dangerous goods when planning the loading. Likewise the dangerous goods spotting plan on board must be duly filled in with information pertaining to the dangerous goods on board. This allows a quick and easy location of the dangerous goods. This plan shall be kept together with the Dangerous Goods Manifest in a designated holder near the vessel’s bridge.


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