What is Fire Safety or Training Manual on ships and its contents ?

As per SOLAS Chapter II -2, Regulation 15 and 16

Fire Safety Training Manual is a document which prescribes content and schedule of preventive fire fighting measures aboard of the ship as well as fire fighting procedures and handling of fire fighting appliances by crew.

Fire Safety Operation Booklet provides for necessary information and instructions of safety operation of the ship in port and at sea. The Booklet is combined with above mentioned Manual and also elaborated in accordance with requirements of Safety Training Manual.

Contents of fire safety manual
  1. Introduction.
  2. Chapter I

Fire Safety Training Manual
2.1  Basic practice of fire safety and precautions concerning of smoking, using of electro power and flammable liquids etc.
2.2 Basic instruction for fire preventive actions and fire fighting procedures.
2.3 Meanings of general emergency alarm signals .
2.4 Operation and handling of fire fighting appliances.
2.5 Operation and handling of fire and smoke flaps. Ventilation of accommodation, Fire doors.
2.6 Means to escape.

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