What is Bunker Safety checklist as per ISGOTT ?

Tanker :

Barge   : 20. Naked light regulations are being observed.      R 21. All external doors and ports in the accommodation are closed.      R 22. Material safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for the bunker transfer have been exchanged where requested.      R 23. The hazards associated with toxic substances in the bunkers being handled have been identified and understood.      R H2S Content …………..

Benzene Content ……….


We have checked , where appropriate jointly, the items of the Check-List in accordance with the instructions and have satisfied ourselves that the entries we have made are correct to the best of our knowledge.

We have also made arrangements to carry out repetitive checks as necessary and agreed that those items coded “R” in the Check-List should be re-checked at intervals not exceeding ________ hours.(which to be recorded in the table below)

If , to our knowledge , the status of any item changes , we will immediately inform the other party.

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