What are types of Tides?

  • Two high tides/two low tides per day
  • Tidal range about same
Mixed Tidal Pattern

A mixed tidal pattern may have characteristics of both diurnal and semidiurnal tides. Successive high tides and/or low tides will have significantly different heights, a condition called diurnal inequality. Mixed tides commonly have a tidal period of 12 hours 25 minutes, but they may also exhibit diurnal periods. Mixed tides are the most common type in the world, including along the Pacific Coast of North America.TIDE 2

In short we can say: Mixed

  • Two high tides/two low tides per day
  • Tidal range different
  • Most common
Spring tide :

During the times of new and full Moon. With the Earth, Moon, and Sun lying approximately on the same line, the attractive forces of the Sun are acting in the same direction as the Moon’s attractive forces (modified by declination effects). The resultant tides are called spring tides, whose ranges are greater than average.sp 3

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