What are the Initial action in case of Man Overboard?

Initial action in case of Man Overboard: 
  • Throw a life ring over the side as close to the person as possible.
  • Sound three prolonged blests on the ships whistle, hail “person overboard”.
  • Commence recovery manoeuvre.
  • Note position, wind speed and direction and time.
  • Inform master of the vessel and engine room.
  • Post look-outs to keep the person in sight.  Set off dye marker or smoke flares.
  • Inform radio operator and keep updated on the position. 
  • Stand by the engines
  • Prepare lifeboats for possible launching.
  • Distribute portable VHF radios for communication between bridge, deck, and lifeboat.
  • Rig pilot ladder to assist in the recovery. 

