What are regulations of steering gear for tanker of more than 10000 GT as per SOLAS?

  1. two independent and separate power actuating systems each capable of meeting the requirements of clause of meeting the requirements  or
  2. at least two identical power actuating systems which shall be capable of meeting the requirements and when acting simultaneously in normal operation. Interconnection of the hydraulic power actuating system shall be provided, if necessary, for compliance with this requirement.

The loss of hydraulic fluid from one system shall be capable of being detected and the defective system automatically isolated so that the other actuating system or systems remain fully operational.

In any tanker of 10,000 tons and above but of less than 1,00,000 tones deadweight the main steering gear may be constructed in such a way that the single failure criterion required and  is not applied to the rudder actuator or actuators;


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