What are List of certificates issued under ISM CODE ?

Document of Compliance (DOC)

Issued  to every company which complies with the requirements of the ISM code. It is issued by the administration. A copy of the DOC is to be carried onboard. This certificate does not need to be authenticated or certified.
Validity is subject to annual verification within 3 months before or after the anniversary date.
DOC can be withdrawn if an annual review is not requested by the company or if there are major non-conformities.
All SMC and interims will be withdrawn as well if DOC is withdrawn.

Safety Management Certificate (SMC)

Shall be issued to every ship by the administration. The administration should check that the company and its shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved safety management before issuing.
SMC is issued for a period not exceeding 5yrs.
Validity of SMC is subject to  atleast one intermediate verification. If there is only one intermediate  verification carried out, then it should be between the 2nd and 3rd anniversaries.
SMC can be withdrawn if an annual review is not requested by the company or if there are major non-conformities.
If the renewal verification of a DOC or SMC is carried out 3 months before the expiry, the renewal date of the new DOC or SMC will be from the date of completion of the verification to 5yrs from the date of expiry of the existing.
If the renewal verification of a DOC or SMC is carried out more than 3months before the expiry, the renewal date of the new DOC or SMC will be from the date of completion of verification to 5yrs from the date of completion of the verification.

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