What are factors taken into account during stowage and carriage of Timber cargo on ship?

The following basic factors need to be considered:-

  • The type and compactness of timber cargo, e.g. logs, cants, ragged-end packages, square (or flush) both ends, etc.
  • Type of vessel: timber load line or not.
  • Strength ,pitch and tending of lashings.
  • Height of cargo above weather-deck level.
  • Height of cargo and stability considerations.
  • Measures to deliberately jettison cargo.
  • Keeping clear all sounding and air pipes, and valves, necessary for the working of the ship.
  • Ensuring means of safe access to all parts of the ship.
  • Keeping cargo hold ventilators clear for operation.
  • Fully closing all screw-down overboard drain valves fitted to topside ballast tanks, keeping them accessible for the working of the ship at all times.
  • The issuing of “Under-Deck” and/or “On Deck” Bills of Lading.
  • Hatch covers and other openings to spaces below decks should be securely closed and battened-down.
  • Hatches and decks, and the cargo itself during loading, should be kept free of any accumulations of ice and snow.
  • Have all deck lashings, uprights, etc., in position before loading commences. (This will be necessary anyway if a pre-loading examination of securing equipment is required by local officials at the loading port.)
  • The cargo must not interfere in any way with the navigation and necessary working of the ship.
  • Upon completion of loading, and before sailing, a thorough inspection of the ship should be carried out. Soundings within the ship should also be taken to verify that no structural damage has occurred causing an ingress of water.
Note :

The stowage and cargo securing arrangements for timber deck cargoes should enable a safe yet rational securing of the cargo so that it is satisfactorily prevented from shifting by collapsing, sliding or tipping in any direction, taking into account the acceleration forces the cargo may be subjected to throughout the voyage in the worst sea and weather conditions which may be expected.


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