What are Dangerous Good regulation and convention?


The following requirements shall be complied with-

  1. The package must be clearly marked with the correct technical names of goods and an indication must be given with the hazards that could arise during the transportation of the goods.
  2. Markings must comply with IMDG.
  3. The outer material of the package will survive 3 months immersion and the marking must be durable.
  4. If the outer material does not survive 3 months then the inner receptacle which will survive 3 months must be durably marked.
  5. If the goods are carried in a container then the unit must have distinctive labels on the external.
  1. Shall be in good condition.
  2. Of such a character that an interior surface with which the contents may come in contact is not dangerously affected by the substance being conveyed and capable of withstanding the ordinary risk of carriage at sea.
  3. Where absorbent or cushioning is being used-
    • Capable of minimizing the danger to whichthe liquid may give rise.
    • Prevent movement and ensures that the receptacle remains surrounded.
    • Absorb liquid in the event of breakage.
  4. Receptacles shall have an ullage at the filling temperature sufficient to allow for the highest temperature during the voyage.
  5. Cylinders or receptacles under pressure shall have been adequately constructed, tested and correctly filled
  6. Empty receptacles shall be considered as dangerous and be treated as dangerous cargo unless they have been cleaned and dried.

Packaging group 1 – Great danger

     Packaging group 2 – Medium danger

 Packaging group 3 – Minor danger

  1. Dangerous cargo should be stowed safely appropriately according to the nature of the cargo. Incompatible goods to be separated from one another.
  2. Explosives to be stored in magazines and to be kept securely closed at sea. They should be kept far away from electrical.
  3. Goods which give dangerous vapours should be stowed in well-ventilated places.
  4. Ships carrying inflammable liquids and gases special precautions should be taken against fire and explosion.
  5. Substances liable to spontaneous heating should not be carried unless adequate precautions have been taken.


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