
Stability – I : Chapter 11

  1. A ship of 14000t displacement , KM 9.0m , KG 7.8m has a total FSM of 2100tm and is listed 8degre to port . How many tonnes must be shifted transversely by 10m to upright the ship?
Solution :

W = 14000t ,
KM = 9.0m KG = 7.8m ,
Initial GM = 9 – 7.8 = 1.2
FSM = 2100 tm thit = 8degp,
d = 10m

FSC = 2100 / 1400

Fluid GM = 1.2 – 0.15
= 1.05m

LM = W x GM tanthi
= 1400 x 1.05 x tan thit
= 2065.1tm

To upright the vessel we have to shift ballast from to which is to the same LM of on stbd

We know that

LM = W x D
2065.1  = W x 10
W = 2065.1 / 10 = 206.51t to ss

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