How to use Nautical Almanac for next year?

Almanac year 1989:

This almanac may be used for the sun and stars for the following year in the following manner.

For the sun
  • Take out the GHA and declination for the same date but for a time 5 hours 48 minutes earlier than the uti of the observation;
  • Add 87 degrees to the GHA so obtained.
  • The error, mainly due to planetary perturbations of the earth is unlikely to exceed 0.4. Minutes.
For the stars:
  • Calculate the GHA and declination for the same date and the same time, but substract 15.1 minutes from the GHA so found.
  • The error due to incomplete correction for precession and nutation is unlikely to exceed 0.4 minutes.
  • If preferred the same result can be obtained by using a time 5 hours 48 minutes earlier or 18 hours 12 minutes later, than the uti of the observation (as for the sun) and adding 86 degrees 59.2 minutes to the gha (or adding 87 degrees as for the sun) and substracting 0.8 minutes for precession from the sha of the star.

The almanac cannot be used for the moon or the planets

