
Electrical Oral (FUNCTION — 5)

  What is the significance of power factor? How to increase power factor? 12.     Why motor is rated in KW not in KVA? 13.     Where synchronous motor is used onboard? 14.     Where induction motor is used? 15.     What is capacity load test if emergency battery? 16.     How to carry out capacity load test onboard? 17.     How to check short circuit in navigation lights? 18.     Navigation equipment is faulty. How will you test the alarm? 19.     What is dead front panel? 20.    

  If your synchroscope is not working, then what is the procedure to parallel generator? 21.     Explain reverse power trip working. What is its setting value? 22.     How to stop running generator? 23.     In a sealed battery where oxygen will go? 24.     How will you know whether battery is fully charged or not? 25.     How will you order a battery? 26.     Explain salinometer working with diagram. 27.     Why can not we use two phase instead of three phase? 28.     What are SG motor safeties? 29.     What maintenance are carried out on battery? 30.     What is AVR? 31.     What are the losses in transformer? Draw hysteresis loop. 32.     What is offset? 33.     Draw open loop controller diagram. 34.     What is a transistor? 35.     What precautions we take during insulation testing of a motor? 36.     What are the safeties in winches? 37.     How will you do testing of boiler low low water level alarm? 38.     What is skew angle and its significance? 39.     Explain induction motor working principle. 40.     How speed control is achieved in AC and DC motor? 41.     Define 1 Ampere. 42.     Explain trickle charge with diagram. 43.     What maintenance we shall carry out on motor? 44.     What are various synchronisation methods? Explain 3 lamps synchronization diagram. 45.     What are the safeties on main switchboard? 46.     Motor not starting. Reason? 47.     What are safeties on alternator ? 48.  Voltmeter not showing voltage in DG. What may be the possible reasons? 49.     How shall you overhaul a motor and what checks you shall carry out? 50.     What is the difference between megger and multimeter ? 51.    What are the safeties on battery? What is battery room regulation as per SOLAS? 52.     Explain single phasing. 53.     What is the difference between synchronous motor and induction motor and their construction? 54.    What is the type of light used in battery room?  Can H2 burn on its own? 55.     What is emergency generator starting arrangements and sources? 56.     How many starts are required by battery? 57.     Alternator is not coming on load. What may be the reasons? 58.     What checks you should carry out before entering battery room? 59.     Explain the working principle of megger. 60.     Explain the working principle of O2 analyzer and explosimeter. 61.     What  is the difference between them? 62.     Explain the working of incandescent lamp and fluorescent lamp. 63.     What checks are carried out in electrical equipment survey? 64.     What is hazardous zone? 65.     What is shaft earthing? 66.     What are safeties on engine room crane? 67.     What are the safeties on ACB? 68.     What maintenance are carried out on generator? 69.     What are the reasons for blackout? What steps you will take after blackout? 70.     What is the difference between insulated neutral system and earthed neutral system? 71.     What are the basic faults in a circuit? 72.     How earth fault monitoring is done? 73.     Explain emergency switchboard distribution system with diagram. 74.      Explain induction motor overhaul procedure. 75.     Generator not producing voltage. What may be the possible reasons? 76.     What are battery room safeties? 77.     What is intrinsically safe and extrinsically safe equipment? 78.     What is preferential trip? 79.     What is thyristor? How does it work? Where is it used? 80.     What is the procedure of motor overhaul. How bearing is removed and changed? 81.     What is the difference between fuse and circuit breaker? 82.    When and why shore supply is required on board ship? What is the arrangement? What are the safeties in shore supply system? 83.     Explain the working of DOL starter. 84.     Explain the working of delta starter. 85.     What is the difference between DOL starter and star delta starter? 86.     What are the safeties on motor? 87.     Draw multimeter working with circuit diagram. 88.     What is used in accomdation? Single phase or three phase. Why? 89.     What are the types of commutator motor? 90.     What are Zener Diode characteristics? Explain with graph. 91.     Explain soft starter. 92.     How will you find out earth fault? What are the indications of it? 93.     What are the reasons for earth fault? 94.     What are the safeties and alarm in steering gear? 95.      Explain the working of ICCP. How is it different from sacrificial anode? 96.     Why we keep air gap in motor? 97.     What is AVR and its function? 98.     Explain types of starter. 99.     What maintenance are carried out on alternator? 100.  Motor immersed in sea water. What action will you take? 101.  What is the difference between induction and synchronous motor and where are they used? 102. What are electrical safeties in pump room? 103.  What are MSB safeties? 104.  Motor not starting. What may be the possible reasons? 105.  Explain zener diode working with diagram. 106.  There is alarm of 220 V low insulation. How will you find out? 107. Explain half wave rectifier with diagram. 108. What is single phasing? 109. Explain dashpot arrangement. Where are they used? 110.  What is open circuit and short circuit?  111. Why 220 V is used in accomodation and not 440 V? 112. How 440 V converts into 220 V? Where the other phase go? 113. How shall you test navigational light circuit alarm testing? 114. What is single phasing? How will you find it in light load? 115. Explain wheat stone bridge. How will you know it is balanced or not? 116. which all motor protect against single phasing 117.  Why high voltage is used on ship? What are its advantages? What are safeties and PPE in high voltage ship? 118.  How shall you try out reverse power trip? 119. What are the windings used in induction motor ? How are they arranged? 120. What are the safeties on motor? 121.  What is Clamp meter? 122. What is the difference between FUSE and OCR? 123. How do we carry out blackout test? 124. What is the difference between tie breaker and emergency  generator  circuit breaker? 125. Explain various types of batteries with chemical reaction for charging and discharging. 126.  How can we measure specific gravity of chemical used in battery? 127.  What are the reasons for reduction in specific gravity? 128. How insulation type is decided on motor? 129.  How will you carry out paralleling of generators? 130.   What is current transformer and its application? 131.  How do we test batteries? 132. Diesel generator not coming on load. What may be the possible reasons? 133.  What is the difference between induction  and synchronous motor? 134.   What is the difference between megger and multimeter? 135.    Explain synchroscope working? 136.   Why capacitor is used in fan? 137.  What are the advantages of vacuum circuit breakers? 138.  What does different position of the synchroscope needle mean? 139.  Why is a megger used for insulation test and not a multi meter? 140.  When does Reverse power flow? 141.  What is the harm of reverse power flow? 142.  What is the protection against reverse power flow? 143. If you press the ACB Close button on an idle generator what will happen? 144. What is under voltage protection? 145. What is the purpose of the earth fault indication on the switch board? 146.  If you get an earth fault alarm what will you do? 147.  What is difference between direct current and alternating current? 148. What is RMS value? 149.  What is meaning of having V and I are in phase? 150.  What is semiconductor? 151.  What is doping? 152.  Why are motor ratings given in KW and that of alternator and transformer given in KVA? 153.  Where does reactive power go? 154.  What is synchronous motor? 155.   What is motoring effect? 156. How do you check continuity? 157.   How does current flow during welding? 158. How does an inverter work? 159.  What is the function of choke? 160.  What is residual magnetism? Where is it important? 161.  Why is special lighting used in battery rooms? 162.  How does a salinometer function? 163.  Is the alternator connected star or delta? 164.  What is an overload current relay? 165. What are the parts of a brushless AC generator? 166.   How can the direction of rotation of  an AC motor be reversed? 167.  What is motoring? 168. Compare between lead acid and nickel-cadmium batteries? 169. What is a current transformer and voltage transformer? 170.      What is Fleming’s law?


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Manish Mayank

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