- Magnetic compasses
- Magnetic compass table of residual deviation and check bearings
- Gyro compass and error check log book
- Radars
- Automatic radar plotting aid (ARPA)
- Course recorder, if fitted
- Echo sounder
- Speed and distance indicator
- Propeller revolution counter
- Controllable-pitch propeller pitch and operational mode indicator
- Rate of turn indicator
- Auto-pilot (including change over instructions)
- Radio direction finder
- 2182 kHz homing on RDF
- Sound signals and shapes
- Daylight signalling lamp and the source of power (emergency generator or battery)
- Navigation lights. Test on main and emergency supply. Check correct bulbs fitted; lenses clean; arc screens fitted; spares available with certificates; sidelight inboard screens painted matt black; securing brackets and mountings in good condition.
- Navigation light failure warning on bridge tested
- Current edition of International Code of Signals
- Charts Charts corrected up to latest Notices to Mariners received
- Chart correction log being kept
- Charts in use appropriate for the ship’s current itinerary
Nautical publications.