- Generator, scrubber, valves, pipework, blowers, control system, deck seal, alarms and overboard discharge in good condition and operating satisfactory Yes/No
- Structural fire protection:
- Bulkheads and insulation arrangements checked and found satisfactory Yes/No
- Self-closing doors other than remote release, operating satisfactorily and no holdback hooks fitted Yes/No
- Remote release doors all operating satisfactorily Yes/No
- Means of escape:
- From accommodation, machinery and other spaces. Ladders and hatches checked for condition;
- trunks, alleyways and stairways unobstructed. Emergency lighting checked and found satisfactory Yes/No
- Cylinders containing Acetylene or Oxygen:
- Stored in approved permanent stowage facilities on or above uppermost continuous deck and
- outside of machinery space Yes/No
- Empty cylinders stored as for full cylinders Yes/No
- Storage space clearly marked Yes/No
- Carriage of Dangerous Goods
- The required additional requirements have been checked, including the electrical equipment and wiring,
- boundary insulation, provision of protective clothing, portable appliances, testing of the water supply, bilge
- pumping system and water spray system if any