- All fire appliances located in compliance with the fire control plan
- Fire-hoses checked and found in good condition with no leaks and of non-perishable material
- All nozzles of dual purpose type ( i.e. spray/jet type) incorporating a shut-off Checked and found operable
- Hoses, nozzles and tools all correctly stowed; fire boxes in good condition
- Sand box and scoops, where installed. Sand box full and scoop in place.
- International shore connection readily available and location clearly marked
- Fixed fire extinguishing arrangements for machinery and cargo spaces using: CO2/Halon/Foam/Pressure water spray/Automatic sprinkler/Dry powder. Control rooms clearly marked and readily accessible. Gas release alarm including time delay for CO2/Halon operating satisfactory. Clear instructions for operation posted in a language understood by the crew. Servicing records available including date of last recharge/sample test of foam.
- Portable and non-portable fire extinguishers. Servicing/inspection records available
- Paint locker fire extinguishing system checked and found satisfactory
- Galley exhaust grease traps clean and dampers operational
- Remote stops for ventilation fans, galley exhaust, boiler fans, oil fuel pumps and other pumps that discharge flammable liquids, operational and clearly marked.
- Quick closing valves on the tanks for oil fuel, lubricating oil and other flammable liquids, operational. Where operating mechanism employs wires and pulleys, the wires to be checked for condition.
- Ventilation and funnel dampers, operational and clearly marked
- Fixed detection and alarm systems; means of triggering smoke or heat detectors available; check for missing/damaged/non-functioning detectors; records of previous testing available to ensure that all detector heads are tested in rotation
Inert gas system: