Checklist for navigating in adverse weather




This Checklist is to be completed by the officer on Watch during onset of adverse weather and entry made in deck log book to record compliance with the checklist

Master, engine room and crew been informed about expected bad weather and estimated time of start of bad weather YES  /  NO  / NA
Chief Engineer informed that reduction in speed may be required, depending on severity of weather encountered.  Engine room to be ready for manoeuvring YES  /  NO  / NA
Speed and Course been adjusted as necessary or avoiding action taken, as the case may be, to ease the stress of weather on the vessel YES  /  NO  / NA
Navigational watch strengthened YES  /  NO  / NA
Appropriate meteorological instruments, weather fax charts (analysis / prognosis),weather reports,  monitored at regular intervals and compared with the weather actually being  experienced YES  /  NO  / NA
Two hourly log-entries of meteorological conditions prevailing and vessel’s behaviour made YES  /  NO  / NA
Weather Reports transmitted to the appropriate authorities or, in the case of Tropical Storms, danger messages transmitted in accordance with SOLAS YES  /  NO  / NA
Crew been warned to avoid Upper Deck areas made dangerous by weather YES  /  NO  / NA
All personnel have been specifically instructed not to go out on deck without permission of the Master YES  /  NO  / NA
Safety Lines/Hand Ropes been Rigged where necessary YES  /  NO  / NA

All scupper holes/freeing ports on deck kept clear.

YES  /  NO  / NA
Slack ballast tanks pressed-up / pumped out, to eliminate sloshing damage in tanks. Heavy weather ballast taken  on commencement of voyage or in ample time prior onset of heavy weather YES  /  NO  / NA
After consultation with Master, draft, trim, GM  adjusted for better handling of  the vessel in heavy weather YES  /  NO  / NA
All loose and movable objects particularly in the engine room, galley , accommodation and in storerooms properly secured YES  /  NO  / NA
Ship’s accommodation been secured and all Ports and Deadlights closed YES  /  NO  / NA
All closable vents on deck, cargo hatches / holds, forecastle , poop and around accommodation house have been checked closed and tight.  Special attention to bunker tank vents and sounding pipes. YES  /  NO  / NA
An internal means of securing the forecastle hatch rigged, such as a chain block providing a downward pull to hold the cover in place in the event that the dogs are sheared or displaced YES  /  NO  / NA
Cable locker access doors and bitter end  checked and confirmed tight; cable locker and forecastle space eductor confirmed clear and operational YES  /  NO  / NA
All portable items in the forecastle space secured against movement and all rags, etc likely to block eductor suctions removed; YES  /  NO  / NA
Control boxes for winch and valve operating levers where provided properly sealed and secured YES  /  NO  / NA
All steel WT doors / booby hatches /  hatch covers /engine room skylight /pump room /fore peak store /steering gear room been closed and tightened up. YES  /  NO  / NA
All cargo lashings checked / tightened / doubled up as required. Cargo lashing equipments not in use  secured ( Bulk cargo vessels ) YES  /  NO  / NA
Anchors have been checked right up into hawse pipes with no free movement and additional wire lashings taken and tightened.   Cable stoppers correctly set. YES  /  NO  / NA
Spurling pipe steel-covers checked in position , cemented over if required and covered. YES  /  NO  / NA
All mooring ropes on the mooring winches  secured and covered YES  /  NO  / NA
All gangways properly secured, and gangway motors covered with canvas. YES  /  NO  / NA
Lifeboats /Embarkation ladders properly secured.  Lifeboat equipment checked for lashings YES  /  NO  / NA
Portable deck equipment, including forward life raft and boarding ladder, lifebuoys, fire hoses and nozzles, pilot ladder(s) etc moved to safe storage location YES  /  NO  / NA
Deck cranes / Provision stores cranes / engine room cranes /bunker davit etc properly secured. YES  /  NO  / NA
Special attention has been paid to securing paint, lubricants and chemical stores YES  /  NO  / NA
All crockery, cutlery, tables, chairs, etc., secured in the mess rooms / pantries / stores. YES  /  NO  / NA
Cook has been advised and has rigged galley and cold rooms for rough weather YES  /  NO  / NA
All recreational equipment such as TV / VCR / Music Systems  / Gymnasium equipments properly secured

YES  /  NO  / NA

Other ship specific checks :

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