Action in case of Collision

  1. Stop engines and obtain an assessment of the situation. It may be prudent to maintain a few revolutions in the engines to avoid the other vessel form flooding and consequent sinking when both vessels are separating.
  2. Sound emergency alarm.
  3. Switch on deck lights and NUC lights.
  4. Inform master & engine room .
  5. Broadcast message to all ships in the vicinity. 
  6. Carry out head count and damage assessment.
  7. Muster damage control parties and detail duties.
  8. Order bilge pumps and ballast pumps to start pumping out effected area.
  9. Shut all watertight doors and fire doors.
  10. Communication officer- standby to obtain weather report. Navigational officer to update vessels position and assist master as required.
  11. Prepare survival craft for immediate launching if situation demands.
What  is chief officer’s duties in collision ?
  1. Internal sounding of all tanks- check watertight integrity.
  2. Machinery space wet or dry.
  3. Head count- check for casualties.
  4. Investigate pollution possibilities.
  5. Will consider ballasting to bring damaged portion above waterline. 
Masters legal obligations in collision :
  1. Standby to render assistance.
  2. Exchange information with master of other information- General particulars of other vessel.
    •  Port of departure.
    •  Port of destination.
  3. Report accident to Marine Accident Investigation Bereau (MAIB).
  4. Make entries in official log book.   
  1. Distress/Urgency signal
  2. Exchange information with other vessel
  3. MAIB (Marine Accident Investigation Bereau)
  4. Company, Owners, Charterers
  5. AMVER
  6. CoastGaurd / MRCC
  7. Agents (port of refuge)
  8. Tugs/Towing
  9. Dry Docking
  10. Weather reports

