Deck log book:-
- The deck logbook of a ship is an important document that is used to record various data, scenarios, and situations (including emergency situation and action which is later used for reference, case study, and for insurance purpose in case of damage to the ship or loss of ship’s property.
- The deck log may, at the discretion of the master or owner, can be kept united with the ship’s official log book log so that in all cases the spaces in the official logbook be duly filled up. For this reason, the logbook of a ship should be properly filled without any errors.
- Following are the entries which must be filled up by the Deck officer during his/her watch:(for reference only)
- Position of the ship in Latitude and Longitude at different intervals
- Time to be noted when Navigation marks are passed
- Time, details, and reason if there is any course alteration
- Condition of weather and changes if any
- Movement of the ship at sea including rolling, pitching, heaving, etc
- Details of any abnormal condition
- Speed of the propulsion engine and speed of the ship in knots
- If involved in any kind of accidents like stranding, grounding, etc. then details for the same
- Entry to be made if any physical contact with floating object or vessel is made
- Details of the distress signal received
- Entry for what kind of assistance is given to the distress signal sender
- If salvage operation is performed, complete details to be entered
- If there is an oil spill or other pollution accident, position of the ship, time and complete incident to be recorded
- Record of general watch routines performed including fire watch
- Time of arrival and departure and ETA.
- If berthing or anchoring is planned, time for the same to be noted.
Other entries as required by the master, company, and administration should also be recorded in the logbook without fail.