What is Trimming procedure as per IMSBC code ?

  1. The scantlings and securing arrangements of divisions and bin bulkheads;
  2. The stability effect of free cargo surfaces.
Non-cohesive bulk cargoes having an angle of repose greater than 30° to 35° inclusive
  1. the unevenness of the cargo surface measured as the vertical distance (Δh) between the highest and lowest levels of the cargo surface shall not exceed B/10, where B is the beam of the ship in metres, with a maximum allowable Δh = 1.5 m; or
  2. loading is carried out using trimming equipment approved by the competent authority.
Non-cohesive bulk cargoes having an angle of repose greater than 35°
  1. The unevenness of the cargo surface measured as the vertical distance (Δh) between the highest and lowest levels of the cargo surface shall not exceed B/10, where B is the beam of the ship in metres, with a maximum allowable Δh = 2 m; or
  2. loading is carried out using trimming equipment approved by the competent authority.


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