What is Ramark?

Ramark (RAdar MARKer) is a radar beacon used to mark navigational hazard which transmits either continuously or at intervals.

The latter method of transmission is more used so that the PPI can be inspected without any clutter introduced by the Ramark signal on the scope. The Ramark  signal as it appears on the PPI is a radial line from the Center. The radial line may be a continuous narrow line, a series of dashes, a series of dots, or a series of dots and dashes.

  • A Ramark is a radar beacon that may be regarded as a “Radar light house” because it works continuously, whether any ship nearby or not.
  • It’s name derived from Radar marker.
  • It transmits signals in all directions, covering the entire marine Radar bond (9200 to 9500 MHz if the Ramark is of the X band and 2900 to 3100 MHz if the S band).
  • When the own ship’s radar scanner points to the Ramark beacon, signals of the Ramark are received and painted as a series of dots.
  • It gives only the Bearing, Not the range.

