Official Log Book
The Front Cover contains the following:
- Name of Vessel
- Port of Registry
- Official Number including letters and numbers
- Registered length
- Gross tonnage
- Registered net tonnage
- Name of Master(s)
- Certificate of Competency: type and number
- Nature of work undertaken
- Name and address of Registered owners
- Date and place where Log book was opened
- Date and place where log book was closed
- Delivered to the superintendent or proper office
- Received by registered general of shipping and seamen also included in the O.L.B.
- Record of Seamen employed on the vessel
Records of births and deaths - Records of injuries or illnesses not resulting in death
- Records of Casualties to the vessel
- Records of Muster Drills, fire-drills, training of crew
- Inspections of lifesaving appliances
- Inspections of fire-fighting appliances
- Records of test drills
- Records of tests and inspections of pilot hoists
- Records of crews accommodation
- Records of food and water provided for the crew
Note :
The official log book lasts for 6 months from the time it is first person signs it and opens it till the time the last person signs it and closes it
After it is official closed it is then sent to the M.M.D. (Mercantile Marine department )
What about records of Drafts and Freeboard for each departure?