What is definition of Oil tankers and its types as per SOLAS ?

Note :
  • Oil Tanker tanker for the carriage of crude-oil
  • Shuttle Tanker tanker ship for the carriage of crude-oil directly from the offshore oil fields to terminals or refineries.
  • Product Tanker tanker for the carriage of refined products derived from crude oil (gasoline, Diesel oil, jet fuel) from the refineries.

Types of oil tankers are :

Handysize –   20,000 t < DW < 30,000 t

HandyMax –   DW ~ 45,000 dwt

Aframax    80,000 t < DW < 119,000 t (Average Freight Rate Assessment )

Suezmax – The largest tanker that can cross the Suez Canal, fully loaded (120,000 t < DW < 180,000 t).

VLCC (Very Large Crude Carrier)–   260,000 t < DW < 330,000

ULCC (Ultra Large Crude Carrier)-  DW > 330,000 t.


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