What are needs of ballast water managements or BWM ?

Studies carried out in several countries have shown that many species of bacteria, plants and animals can survive in a viable form in the ballast water and sediment carried in ships, even after journeys of several weeks duration.

Subsequent discharge of ballast water or sediment into the waters of port states may result in the establishment of colonies of harmful species and pathogens which can seriously upset the existing ecological balance.  Although other methods have been identified by which organisms are transferred between geographically separated sea areas, ballast water discharge from ships appears to have been prominent among those identified.

The potential for ballast water discharge to cause harm has been recognised not only by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), but also by the World Health Organization which is concerned about the role of ballast water as a medium for the spreading of epidemic disease bacteria.


Some states have established controls on the discharge of ships’ ballast water that will minimise the potential for colonisation of their rivers and estuaries by non‑native species.  The preferred option is mid-ocean ballast water exchange prior to arrival.  Accordingly, the countries most concerned have promulgated advice to ships for ballast management, together with a request for their co-operation in applying the techniques voluntarily. 

Standard procedures have been developed that will be accepted by quarantine authorities as achieving the level of acceptability desired by the port state.

Conflict with safety

Unless applied carefully some of the measures being urged for ballast management can affect a ship’s safety, either by creating forces within the hull that are greater than the design parameters, or by compromising the stability of the ship.  It is because of concern about this that the IMO became involved in what would otherwise be a purely quarantine matter.

 It  has been recognised by governments and the shipping industry that individual countries’ needs should be harmonised with the greater need to ensure the safety of ships, their crews and passengers.

IMO recommends that each ship should be provided with a Ballast Water Management Plan, detailing the way that the ship can comply with any measures demanded by a port state

Once it has been established that the management of ballast is necessary to meet the quarantine requirements of a port state, preparation for it should be treated with the same seriousness as preparation of a cargo plan. All concerned with the operation and safe passage of the ship can thereby be assured that they are both protecting the marine environment and ensuring the safety of the ship and crew.


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