What are Corrective actions for vessel at angle of loll?


Stepwise procedure to correct angle of loll:

  1. Check stability.
  2. Check sounding off all the tanks.
  3. Reduce any free surface effect as follows:
    • Ballast and press up slack DB tanks. Ballast low side first.
    • Deballast slack tanks to empty.
  4. Deballast high tanks to shift G downwards.
  5. Shift ballast/fuel from high tank to lower tanks.
  6. Jettison cargoes from on deck if necessary and practicable.
  7. Calculate stability. Ensure vessel has sufficient GM.

Note :-

A ship is in an unstable condition if, when heeled by an external force in still water to a small angle, it continues to heel further when the external force is removed.

Consider a ship that is floating upright in still water with G and B as shown. The initial transverse metacentre (M) is below G.

i.e.                   KM – KG = GM; which has a negative value


The ship now heels to a small angle of inclination.


Consider the lines of action of Wf and Bf. They are acting in such a way to cause the ship to heel further over. GZ is a capsizing lever!


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