What are audits carried out under ISM?

List of  audits carried out under ISM

 The audits include:

  1. The conformity of the Company’s safety management system with the requirements of the ISM Code, including objective evidence demonstrating that the Company’s safety management system has been in operation for at least three months and that a safety management system has been in operation on board at least one ship of each type operated by the Company for at least three months; and
  2. That the safety management system ensures that the objectives defined in paragraph 1.2.3 of the ISM Code are met. This includes verification that the Document of Compliance for the Company responsible for the operation of the ship is applicable to that particular type of ship, and assessment of the shipboard safety management system to verify that it complies with the requirements of the ISM Code, and that it is implemented. Objective evidence demonstrating that the Company’s safety management system has been functioning effectively for at least three months on board the ship should be available, including, inter alia, records from the internal audit performed by the Company.

