Course = 241˚ = S 61˚ W
We know that:
D’Lat = (Distance × Cos Co.)
= (1897 × Cos 61˚)
= 919.68’ S
= 15˚ 19.7’ S
Lat Left = 36˚ 48.0’ N MP for Lat Left 2363.60 N
D’Lat = 15˚ 19.7’ S MP for Lat Arrived 1310.70 N
Lat Arrived = 21˚ 28.3’ N DMP 1052.90
D’Long = (DMP × Tan Co.)
D’Long = 1899.5’ or 31˚ 39.5’ W
Long Left 085 ˚ 53.0’ W
D’long 031 ˚ 39.5’ W
Long Arrived 117 ˚ 32.5’ W
POSITION ARRIVED :- LAT 21˚ 28.3’ N LONG 117˚ 32.5’ W
Course = 333˚ = N27˚ W
We know that:
D’Lat = (Distance × Cos Co.)
= (4450 × Cos 27˚)
= 3965’ N
= 66˚ 05.0’ N
Lat Left = 06˚ 10.0’ S MP for Lat Left 0368.20
D’Lat = 66˚ 05.0’ N MP for Lat Arrived 4497.11 N
Lat Arrived = 59˚ 55.0’ N DMP 4865.31
D’Long = (DMP × Tan Co.)
D’Long = 2479’ or 41˚ 19’ W
Long Left 176 ˚ 47.0’ W
D’long 041˚ 19.0’ W
Long Arrived 141 ˚ 54.1’ E
POSITION ARRIVED :- LAT 59˚ 55.0’ N LONG 141˚ 54.1’ E
Course = 124˚ = S56˚ E
We know that:
D’Lat = ( Distance × Cos Co.)
= (3256 × Cos 56˚)
= 1820.73’ S
= 30˚ 20.7’ S
Lat Left = 38˚ 18.0’ S MP for Lat Left 2476.64 S
D’Lat = 30˚ 20.7’ S MP for Lat Arrived 5712.16S
Lat Arrived = 68˚ 38.7’ S DMP 3235.52
D’Long = (DMP × Tan Co.)
D’Long = 4796.85’
= 79˚ 56.8’ E
Long Left 005˚ 11.0’ W
D’long 079˚ 56.8’ E
Long Arrived 074 ˚ 45.8’ E
POSITION ARRIVED :- LAT 68˚ 38.7’ S LONG 074˚ 45.8’ E
Course = 056˚ = N56˚ E
We know that:
D’Lat = (Distance × Cos Co.)
= (2222× Cos 56˚)
= 1242.52’ N
= 20˚ 42.5’ N
Lat Left = 44˚ 11.0’ N MP for Lat Left 2944.81 N
D’Lat = 20˚ 42.5’ N MP for Lat Arrived 5141.25 N
Lat Arrived = 64˚ 53.5’ N DMP 2196.44
D’Long = (DMP × Tan Co.)
D’Long = 3256.3’
= 54˚ 16.3’ E
Long Left 140 ˚ 20.0’ W
D’long 054˚ 16.3’ E
Long Arrived 086 ˚ 03.7’ W
POSITION ARRIVED :- LAT 64˚ 53.5’ N LONG 086 ˚ 03.7’ W
Course = 265˚ = S85˚ W
We know that :
D’Lat = (Distance × Cos Co.)
= (7126 × Cos 85˚)
= 621.07’ S
= 10˚ 21.0’ S
Lat Left = 18˚ 58.0’ N MP for Lat Left 1151.77 N
D’Lat = 10˚ 21.0’ S MP for Lat Arrived 0515.50 N
Lat Arrived = 08˚ 37.0’ N DMP 0636.27
D’Long = (DMP × Tan Co.)
D’Long = 7272.60
= 121˚ 12.6’ W
Long Left 072 ˚ 52.0’ E
D’long 121˚ 12.6’ W
Long Arrived 048 ˚ 20.6’ W
POSITION ARRIVED :- LAT 08˚ 37.0’ N LONG 048˚ 20.6’ W
Thank you for your usefull solution but what are those numbers under latitudes which you add and subtract them to find DMP?
Thanks for your time
Sir how’d you get the name for getting the final course…