How will we prepare tanker vessel for drydock?

  1. Last discharge 100% C.O.W. (preferably last 3 discharges).
  2. Take on wash water to slop tanks and water wash all tanks and inert gas purge and gas free all tanks.
  3. Any additional ballast required in cargo tanks prior drydock.
  4. Decant slops.
  5. At anchor off drydock, disch slop residue to slop barge, then give rinse from the sea to the bottom of slop tank and discharge washings to barge.
  6. De-muck tanks
  7. Ballast spaces hose down and gas freed.
  8. Derrick and cranes down (to counteract roll)
  9. Eliminate free surface
  10. Adequate stability check (adequate GM to counteract the rise in ‘G’ due to ‘P’ force)
  11. Consultation of draft and trim (on advice of the drydock manager)
  12. Sound round all tanks
  13. Security lock-up spaces
  14. Lock-up toilets
  15. Rig fenders
  16. dock plan and shell expansion plans for shore positions
  17. Obtain facilities:- water, power, bonding, access and garbage disposal
  18. Sound round on the blocks
  19. Prepare a repair list (to allow cost/time estimates. Allows officer to monitor and protect owners interest
  20. Brief the ships Chief Officer of the need to obtain ‘wet soundings’ as well as ‘on the block’ ‘dry soundings’
  21. Withdraw any engine room bottom speed logs into the stow position.