What is SOLAS regulations for LRIT or Long Range Identification and Tracking ?

Ships operating exclusively in sea area A1 and fitted with an automatic identification system (AIS) are exempted from the requirement to transmit LRIT information.

The LRIT system is intended to be operational with respect to the transmission of LRIT information by ships from 30 December 2008.

Minimum training requirements for ship security officers

Amendments to the STCW convention and Code, adopted in May 2006 and entering into force on 1 January 2008, add new minimum mandatory training and certification requirements for persons to be designated as ship security officers (SSOs).

The amendments to the STCW Convention and to parts A and B of the STCW Code include Requirements for the issue of certificates of proficiency for Ship Security Officers; Specifications of minimum standards of proficiency for ship security officers; and Guidance regarding training for Ship Security Officers.

The amendments also provide that until 1 July 2009, an STCW Party may continue to recognize personnel who hold or can document qualifications as ship security officers issued before the entry into force of the regulation.

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